Introducing a new Looker Community Manager

Hey Good Lookers,

It’s been an absolutely delightful run serving as your community manager. Over the past few years, I’ve had the great privilege of meeting many of you in person, and even more of you virtually— I feel so lucky. I can’t think of a better way to keep abreast of the latest Looker functionality and news than to embed into the Community (the exact same benefit y’all get from being here).

So it’s with somewhat heavy heart that I formally announce a changing of the guard. For a few months now actually, I’ve been working on our engineering team building out a Developer Relations function for those using our API and other “Powered By Looker” features.

@michael will be taking the reigns of the Looker Community team and bringing awesome new energy and ideas with him. I’ll let him introduce himself in his own words below, but rest assured that I’m really excited about what he’s going to do with the place.

I’ll still be hanging around and making sure to answer all your API and embedding questions, and making sure any bugs and requests get properly triaged and fixed 🙂

:purple_heart: Looker Love,


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