October 19, 2021


Deployment Time: 2:48 PM PST

Features & enhancements

Item Description
Enhancement Update deck view row heights depending on content available

Currently, deck view rows have a fixed height regardless of how much content you have. With this update, AppSheet adjusts the row size to fit the form factor based on what columns you’re displaying. For more information, see the community announcement.

Deployed to 50% of free users.

Enhancement Data Explorer now supports Ref lines for all kinds of Refs

Previously, AppSheet showed Ref lines for direct connections. As raised in the community, there are other kinds of Refs that would be useful to show the lines for, so these have been added.

Enhancement Data Explorer data now scrolls independently from the text input area

To correct an issue raised in the community, the Data Explorer content now scrolls independently so that the text input area is always in view.

Enhancement Support Ref types for dynamic emails
Enhancement Performance improvements for app expression runtime

Enhancements primarily target expensive slice filters and LOOKUP, SELECT, and IN functions and can potentially make these run many times faster, particularly when multiple layers of filtering are involved (like a LOOKUP within a SELECT filter, or a SELECT within a slice filter). Currently, this will only affect expressions running locally within the app, like slice filters or virtual columns that update dynamically within a form, and will not affect expressions running on the server, like security filters or virtual columns computed during sync.

Deployed to 100% of free users.

Bug fixes

Item Description
Bug Fixed a regression in the editor that caused the app preview in Tablet mode to display only one column in Card views instead of two.
Bug URLs with long Link Text specified were running off small screens. Link Text is now wrapped and fully visible (no ellipsis).
Bug Bug fixes for app expression runtime

Bug fixes address certain list expressions producing blank inline views, and a bug often encountered in customer support issues where some slice and SELECT filters involving EnumLists produce the wrong results in the app that don't align with the expected results from the expression tester. Currently, this will only affect expressions running locally within the app, like slice filters or virtual columns that update dynamically within a form, and will not affect expressions running on the server, like security filters or virtual columns computed during sync.

Deployed to 100% of free users.

Bug Fixed a bug where ORDERBY could break when the list to sort was based on a LOOKUP. Deployed to 100% of free users.
Bug Fixed a bug where localization expression that returns a list could cause an error. Deployed to 100% of free users.
Bug Fixed a bug causing detail views in dashboards to sometimes display an error. Deployed to 100% of free users.
Bug Fixed a bug where auto-advance forms didn't work if relaunching the form by form save event action.
Bug Fixed some rendering and scrolling bugs with grouped Deck views.
Bug Added an automatic retry on network error to reduce user-facing sync failures caused by transient network issues.
Bug The version mismatch banner is now an informational banner instead of an error banner. It no longer blocks your ability to save, even if the banner is displayed. It should also show up less frequently.
Bug Fixed a bug causing photos or uploaded images to sometimes be missing at sync time. Deployed to 100% of free users.

Rollout changes

Item Description
Feature Data Explorer

The new data schema explorer enables app creators to explore their data tables while they are editing them. The Data Explorer tab is available next to the Examples tab while writing expressions in the Expression Assistant.

Deployed to 100% of free users.

Enhancement Adds a warning to the expression assistant for improper usage of

the second argument of REF_ROWS. New: Deployed to 75% of all users.
Previous: Deployed to 10% of all users.

Bug Fixed an issue in Safari and iOS where overlay action buttons in tabbed dashboard views are being incorrectly positioned near the top or bottom of the scroll container.

New: Deployed to 100% of free users and 100% of premium users.
Previous: Deployed to 100% of free users and 49% of premium users.

Preview announcements

The AppSheet Preview program lets app creators try out new app features that are not yet fully supported. Learn how to participate in the AppSheet preview program for app client features.

  • No new preview features were released today.

What's currently available in the Preview program?

Item Description
Feature Table view

Table View now supports freezing the first column while scrolling horizontally. For details, see Freezing the first Column of a Table View - in Preview Program.

Feature Chart Editor

App Creators can now make use of our new chart editor and the new and improved charts it can create. Learn more.

Feature Detail views

Rich text formatting is now available in Detail views. For details, see this announcement in the community.

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