Release notes: March 8, 2021


The March 8 payload was deployed at: 10:56 AM, March 9, 2021 PST

Features & Enhancements


Bug Fixes

Item Description
Bug An issue was fixed with opening support tickets.

Some users experienced problems opening Intercom support tickets. All

issues should be resolved. Deployed to all.

An issue was fixed with wrapping of the color picker on the editor.

The color picker (as viewable on the UX/Format tab, for instance) was wrapping and showing a very long custom color input, which looked broken (even if it did work). The issue was fixed so that if it's forced to wrap there will still be a normal width and some margin above it. Deployed to all.

Rollout changes

Item Rollout status
Authentication groups are compatible with domain sharing. Previous: 100% of free users and 25% of paid users.

New: 100% of free users and from 50% of paid users.

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