Foundation is hiring Looker Developer and Analyst, US Fully Remote

Foundation Direct is hiring an Analyst to be part of our Business Intelligence team working within Looker and Google Cloud (BigQuery). See the job opening here. The job is fully remote in the US (ignore the locations as it is required for our application program)

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New Member

Hello would you be interested in hiring someone, who lives outside of the US, that has the skills you are looking for?

Difficult to ignore locations. Is there an alternative?


Sorry I somehow missed these. We are still hiring for those interested. Unfortunately we are not currently setup to sponsor or pay outside the US at this time.

I see you posted this sometime ago but I thought I’d reach out regardless.  I contract and consult for companies who use Looker and other BI tools.  I have extensive experience in Data Analytics and BI, specifically Looker having been an early Looker employee and seeing them through the acquisition and beyond.  If your company is still looking for someone with Looker expertise feel free to reach out.

Andrew Searson

Medusa Analytics
