Duet AI Chat Interface

Recently bought and assigned the Duet AI SKU for my small org. I am on Enterprise Plus.

Problem: I cannot seem to find the Duet chat interface so that I can find and interact with documents similar to how the Bard Workspace Extension works for consumer accounts. I do see the Duet prompts in Docs however.

Does such an interface exist anywhere, anyone know? It has not been announced anywhere but all relevant links point back to the Bard extension, which is irrelevant for Workspace users afaik.

I am totally confused here and must be missing something obvious. Is there a centralized place where I can access Duet from? Why not from Bard?!

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The only information I know is the information in the public articles but I can see if by any chance the workspace updates blog says it's not available yet (since I thought if the information was published and public in the Google support centers that meant it was already rolled out but apparently that is not true anymore{?}). 

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@A911 what are you expecting to find?  Here's what you're looking for, outlined in red, in some screenshots:

Screenshot 2023-11-08 09.55.59.png

Screenshot 2023-11-08 09.58.51.png

Screenshot 2023-11-08 10.01.03.png

That's all Duet AI is, these little tools in the apps, it's nothing like a paid-for version of Bard.

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Bard extensions is not available for Workspace per the article you found in your post. 

As for Duet AI for Enterprise, the article about it should be https://support.google.com/a/answer/13623623?hl=en. So try looking for it in the following places: slides, sheets, docs, and Meet. 

The Duet AI for Google Workspace Enterprise add-on enables organizations to create, connect, and collaborate like never before:


Helping you write and refine content in Gmail and Google Docs

Creating original images from text, right within Google Slides

Turning ideas into action and data into insights with Google Sheets

Helping to foster more meaningful connections in Google Meet

I am not sure what you are referring to as I don't see any chat boxes anywhere in slides, sheets or docs. Has that not been released yet? I am only able to see a “Help me write ” box in docs.

The only information I know is the information in the public articles but I can see if by any chance the workspace updates blog says it's not available yet (since I thought if the information was published and public in the Google support centers that meant it was already rolled out but apparently that is not true anymore{?}). 

http://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2023/08/duet-ai-for-google-workspace-enterprise-add-on.html even indicates it should be rolled out so maybe that also has information on how to enable it....

Just noticed there is a handbook...maybe that also talks through the product: https://inthecloud.withgoogle.com/duet-ai-handbook-gated-landing-page/dl-cd.html

@A911 what are you expecting to find?  Here's what you're looking for, outlined in red, in some screenshots:

Screenshot 2023-11-08 09.55.59.png

Screenshot 2023-11-08 09.58.51.png

Screenshot 2023-11-08 10.01.03.png

That's all Duet AI is, these little tools in the apps, it's nothing like a paid-for version of Bard.

Thank you for showing that! I have seen some of that UI but some still has not rolled out for my org yet it seems. I’ll double check the settings & license assignment in the admin panel just in case.

<rant> While I guess you have a point it’s still frustrating that Duet users don’t have a simple Chat interface (such as Bard). While the extra Duet AI features are nice, it does feel like Workspace users are paying a penalty for paying for Workspace. Arguably free users have a better and simpler experience than Workspace users, which I am sure others also find fustrating. </rant>

@A911 Yes considering that Duet-AI is paid for its offerings are shockingly poor, especially for the price. 

You may want to request access to the Customer Connect Forum that offers the Roadmap for Google Workspace to see what may be coming in the future.

If you're looking for the best posts or resources on Google Cloud Hub, I'd recommend checking out the official Google Cloud blog, as they regularly publish in-depth articles and updates on their products and services. Additionally, you can explore forums like Stack Overflow or Reddit, where developers often share their experiences and insights. Google Cloud's documentation is also a valuable resource for detailed information on using their services. Is there a specific aspect of Google Cloud Hub you're interested in? I can try to narrow down the search 


Thanks, but I don't want to read in-depth articles. 

I just want to know how to access a simple chat function like Bard or ChatGPT.  I want help with SEO for my website, and that doesn't need to be done through Word, Sheets, Gmail etc.

As I do wonder what I'm paying for with Duet AI, I don't think it won't be for much longer. 

@LeighNZ if you're not prepared to read the instructions then you won't know how to use anything.

The answer to your question is already on this thread and marked as the answer (you don't need to look any further): there's no point in anyone writing it again just for you.:

  • "[Help me write, Help me organise is] all Duet AI is, these little tools in the apps, it's nothing like a paid-for version of Bard.

Google demonstrated last year it would also provide a "Sidebar" which is more like a chat interface but that's not available yet - see Introducing Duet AI for Google Workspace.

I've since found my way to the recently released Google AI Studio https://makersuite.google.com/app/prompts/new_freeform


@A911 Google has just announced a brand new update that gives you the old Bard chat interface, rebranded as Gemini and uses Gemini Advanced if you pay for Duet-AI (also renamed to Gemini Enterprise). We pay for Duet-AI/Gemini Enterprise or our Workspace and we appear to have the updated Bard/Gemini but this still does not offer Extensions: maybe this will come in the future? 

See New ways to chat with Gemini, with added enterprise-grade data protections

And another piece of good news I found in the Gemini help centre: 

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