Google Chat in-line topic threading

Hi communty, 


as per this article from 14 June 21, Rooms are becoming Spaces as well as in-line topic threading was supposed to be introduced in spaces.

So far we this feature is still not available. 

We haev Chat preffered and enabled in our admin console. 

Is anyone actually able to use in-line topic threading? 


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Very strange. Yesterday, I was able to create new spaces with thread feature working. Today, it isn't available anymore for new spaces. But it is working for spaces I created yesterday.

I don't see it on new or existing spaces.

Something happened. Can't create spaces with threads feature anymore. 

old threads or new threads?

Talking about new threads feature. Google turned it off for some reason. But we have to wait until end of month.

Is there any indication whether the new threading experience will be available in spaces with external members?

The documentation Iโ€™ve seen doesnโ€™t specify either way. 

I am probably a bad example but the inline topic threading for me is available in Spaces where the members are external and even come from several different domains. 

Today is supposed to be the last rollout day and the feature is not available yet for existing spaces. Trying to create new spaces today but no in-line thread.

Anyone see this feature fully operational yet?

I see it in internal-only spaces on one of my domains, but not the other.

I don't see it working in external spaces yet.

Same. It's Oct. 31 and yet again Google's deployment scheduled is fantasy.

I'm really very annoyed with this habit. I'd rather have a realistic, if protracted, deployment schedule that I could rely on from Google!

The day's not over yet! I remain hopeful.

Well the day is over ... and another day has passed ... it's Nov. 2 and as expected -- no feature rollout for us. ๐Ÿ˜’

Still only see it working with internal spaces.

I see it for only one Space across the entreprise ๐Ÿ˜•

Is it a newly created, non-threaded, internal-only space?

It is a previously created room, non-threaded and internal-only. I created an unthreaded one yesterday and it does not offer the ILR function

That's true, nothing yet.

I have three different domains and separate Workspace subscriptions. Rapid release on two, and scheduled on the other. ILR feature is not available in any of the domains. We've tried combinations of creating new spaces. Guess we shall wait. Wish there was better communication.

Google could post a statement explaining what's going on and publish new release date. My company is going to delay the shutting down of Rocket Chat waiting for this feature. It is just impossible to use a Chat without in-line thread.

The communication gap is disappointing. I have been working with Google support, but they haven't had any answers either.

I've been considering contacting support, but if it's like my past experiences, its useless.

I got a response from Support. Apparently there are issues with the rollout and it's delayed. Unfortunately, no communication publicly or updates to the release post.



That's great and astounding that you got a reply and actual information.  It's embarrassingly unprofessional that we, customer supporters of Workspace, are not better informed when there are delays to previously published schedules!

No changes here... threading is only available in non-threaded, internal-only, newly-created spaces.

I have not been able to access the inline threading on new or existing spaces. I wish Google would communicate better. They show the feature as active but we do not have access to it on rapid release.

You are not alone. And no statement from Google about it. I guess we'll have to wait indefinitely.

I got in-line threading on new rooms today, not showing up on old non-threaded rooms. It's a start and so far I like it.

Seems to only work on restricted spaces with or without external users. Any spaces set as Company do not work, old and new.

For us, the only people who can Reply to messages and start a Thread are the Space Managers. No other members can do it, which makes it kind of useless.

I think they are having issues with the rollout. My space members on newly created boards are able to to use the functionality. However, old spaces do not have the functionality. Some newly created spaces do not have the in-line threading. Very hit or miss atm.

Yea, I think I posted too soon while troubleshooting! After a couple tries, we did eventually get some Spaces made where everyone could use the Reply functionality. It does seem like new Spaces have a random chance of getting in-line threading, so I just kept making Spaces until I got one that worked before adding other people to it. We're in the process of switching over from Slack, so at least we are creating Spaces from scratch anyway. This would be extra annoying with existing channels not updating.

Just stopping by to let you know that in-line thread is working for a few old spaces today (not all). Rollout seems to be in progress.

Thanks Gustavo... I'm noticing the same, but only in one of my domains so far. 

Just received in-line thread replies feature to two of my domains, for both restricted and open domain Spaces! ๐ŸŽ‰

Anyone know how old spaces based on topic treads will be converted to support in-line replies, if at all? 

According to the blog post/announcement for the in-line threading feature, they won't.

Yep - that's been my experience, which is a darn shame, as I'd love to be able to have the new-style threading in existing rooms, even if only from this date forward.



Fully operational on our domain now!

New inline design really sucks

It is interesting they chose to fully go in-line topic threading (per I personally do miss the sorting by topic threading myself. 

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