Google Sites embedded YouTube videos issue

Video unavailable on my google sites

I have videos in my google site that are showing video unavailable (I am the owner of the videos, they are nursing skills videos for our college). I tried removing them and adding them back in with no luck. Not all the videos embedded have the "video not available" black screen, just some of them. I've gone as far as removing them from my YouTube channel and re-uploading the video again, I still get the video unavailable. This is driving me cray cray and students need access to the skills videos by next week.

If I create a link to the video the video plays just fine on my YouTube channel, this only happens to embedded videos but not all, I would say about 10% of my embedded videos are getting video unavailable screens. Please help!
Also, when I copy the URL link to the missing videos (right click on dark YouTube video box, I get a 
The video address should be 
Why is it 
1 8 5,002

I am experiencing the same thing and no idea why.  Maddening.

Yeah, I'm not sure who or where else to post, I have posted in the Google Help community as well and no help. 

Morning anyone have the number for google support? if so can you please provide it.


Google doesn't publish a phone number for support. See for how to contact Workspace Support.

YouTube is a non-core service so support is not available, but Sites is core, so you could/you could have your Workspace admin open a ticket with Google Support to ask about this. See for how to do that. 

Hope that helps,


I opened a ticked with Workspace support and was told that YouTube is not a core service. ๐Ÿ˜ž

I have found that videos with words like "Cyber Bullying" or "Safeguarding" don't work but "Fluffy Kittens" does. I don't know if YouTube has implemented some kind of new restriction settings. The strange thing is that you can embed the video with the embed code.

Have you tried using the full embed code?

Also, I have found the same thing is happening in Google Slides.

I don't normally complain but I think, with Google being the main company, and with the way they set up YouTube as the most advertised way to add videos to your workspace products, you ought to be able to get support from both Workspace and YouTube on this issue. It's a bit of a joke when they say "it's not in our scope" because it is your company: Google!

I think that I'm now experiencing similar with Google Sites.  One video out of ~20 unlisted videos (interviews) will embed only with an iframe construct -- the YouTube widget in Google Sites produces a 'Video unavailable' message.  How's this possible?  The video can and does stream fine, but the content isn't available in the widget.

Yeah, my workaround was to open up two windows, one with YouTube and one with Google Sites page. I then copied the embed code and used the embed code option on Google Sites. Though on a side note, I tried doing that before and it still didn't work. So I'm not sure if Google had changed something after the fact but it works for now. It's not pretty but it functions. I did have to add additional embed code so that the videos where responsive, otherwise half the video gets cut off on a mobile device.