Google chat links with multiple google accounts within same chrome browser

I am having and issue with Google chats giving links that no matter which user is currently "in focus" on the referring page, it tries to open the link as "google login context 0".  

I use my personal email as my main google account for specific reasons but I keep a whole tab group in chrome logged into my corporate workspace account.  (I do this both for historical reasons (My personal email was my "business email" before we had business email a long time ago.. LOL) and the ability to switch user contexts as needed) The issue that I have is when I click a Chat Link from the workspace account pages, it still tries to open the chat link with the personal login token.  


Chat room link tries to open within the wrong context even though it's clicked within a context with access.  If I open it as then it works correctly for me, but I assume it could cause issues for others with other "stacks" of accounts because it is by index. 

The same goes for a thread: 

The supplied link: tries to use my default context, but works.  

Watching the address bar, it appears that gets automatically converted to which uses the google context at the top of the login list vs the one linked to the calling window..  Is there a way that the chat resolution service could identify the calling window user id and maintain that one?  (Or is there a way that I'm not seeing?) 

I am testing this in isolation using a google sheet opened from my secondary user context ("u/1") and opening the links from there. 

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