Phone number cannot be used for verification


I have the same issue as in this topic. Though, after 4 weeks it doesn't have any answer, so I'll try my luck of getting one.

I'm trying to log into my Google Workspace admin account but I'm stuck at "We've detected unusual activity on the account that you're trying to access. To continue, please follow the instructions below."

When I try to put my phone number, I get an error "This phone number has already been used too many times for verification.". When I try to put a different phone number, I get an error "This phone number cannot be used for verification."

There is no way to contact support and my phone numbers are completely valid, used in my personal accounts and verified multiple times. It seems like it's a problem on Google side.

Any way to resolve this, it's a big issue for my business?

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This is a community site of people who run Google Workspace for their organizations around the globe. There isn't anyone here who can help with phone number verification issues, or consumer Gmail accounts more generally. You might want to try

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Oops! A problem has occurred, verification did not complete properly

After a few days I have this when I verify my number I have this message. What's going on. Somebody can explain?

Oops! A problem has occurred, verification did not complete properly


Hello, everyone. I've resolved the issue. Let me clearly outline what needs to be done in this case.

If you're facing this problem, leave your account untouched for 5-7 days. Do not access it. If you leave it untouched for a longer period, your account may be deleted.

The account block seems to occur automatically by Google as a penalty for violating rules, and your account is informally blocked for 5-7 days. Therefore, it seems you won't be able to pass authentication.

If you can't complete the authentication after 5-7 days, purchase a second clean number. In my case, I had to buy one since I'm from another country, and my number is not associated with the location where I reside.

Fingers crossed this works… I haven’t tried to log in since Thursday but will try on Tuesday hopefully it’ll go away by then

Wow okay that makes sense. Yeesh. I see now why I was prompted about my account being deleted. Thanks for following up with this information! Super helpful.


just an update. I left my account untouched for 5-7 days. I tried logging in today and I can finally successfully login! There was no error message.

Thanks so much for your help. 


On Friday i got an msg on my mobile that my account is disabled and i must log in for appeal. but when i log in and enter password and enter my number i face same OOPS this number cannot be used . so kindly tell me should i also wait or what is best solution. thanks  

Hey, I am facing this same issue now. I have created a google account 4 days back to upload some important files in google drive. Today, when I try to open it automatically got logged out and when I tried login, it says,

‘ We've detected unusual activity on this account. Enter a phone number to get a verification code by text message.’ 

So, when. I try my phone number to get verification code, it says,

‘This phone number cannot be verified’

So what should I do now, I really want those files, it has all my work files. please help me solve this issue. Thank you

Hey, I am facing this same issue now. I have created a google account 4
days back to upload some important files in google drive. Today, when I try
to open it automatically got logged out and when I tried login, it says,

‘ We've detected unusual activity on this account. Enter a phone number to
get a verification code by text message.’

So, when. I try my phone number to get verification code, it says,

‘This phone number cannot be verified’

So what should I do now, I really want those files, it has all my work
files. please help me solve this issue. Thank you

Hi Tim! 

I hope you are doing well. I am really depressed to recover my personal google account. The issue is two step vertification, as i am not receiving two step vertification code for account recovery. Kindly share your experience that what should i do now because I am very frustrated about my account. 

Waiting for your response. 

Best Regards

How do you prevent your google account from deletion? Why does it get deleted? Can someone explain this to me 

I actually would recommend this account deletion topic being its own post so the topic here about phone number verification won't be derailed since I know probably people have lots to say and talk about in regards to the Google Account deletion notices that have been released this past few months (I believe those notice should have been hitting @ / @ accounts not necessarily Workspace accounts because workspace admins should be able to log into their end users' accounts if needed). The article about the Google Account inactive account notice:  


Hi there, my email that I was trying to use was through my work. I was working with a new customer that primarily works with google shared sheets, documents, drive etc. So, I'm finding it difficult to understand exactly why and how i'm locked out and my account is up for deletion.

That said, my appeal has been denied because it went against google's policies. Not really sure how I ended up here. But just seems odd since the email they're denying and/or going to 'delete' is not affiliated with gmail... googlemail, etc. 

This seems like an atypical situation. However, it sounds like I should just wait till its 'deleted' and then resign up?

I would definitely recommend contacting the primary Workspace Admin and inform them of your situation as well especially since you said now you are getting a warning about the account being deleted. 

This phone number cannot be used for verification code problem how to fix my number right but why to say Rong 

Getting soo annoying,Registered new number and have not been used even once  and getting the same issue

Yes same issu

I think how will "google bard chat" compete with "Chat GPT" if google support can't resolve just a small error. 😂😂.   Hats off Guys

This issue is rather insidious for those of us who install google home products, as it often locks the installer or home owner out during a paid engagement, forcing extra costs and issues. It needs a solution or it makes it difficult to recommend the products for people who's time is valuable. Very unfortunate. 😕 

Google Account help community is actively collecting reports of this issue if anyone is curious: From the looks of it, they are also collecting reports of this happening to Workspace users along with regular consumer accounts. 

i have just created a business account and when i used my Different Phone number for verification i got the same Issue "This Number cannot be used for Verfication" on i used the brand new number and it also says this 

I have had this issue since December 2, should I wait 5-7 days? Help 😞

That is what others are reporting and I have heard from my own Google Account community connections that it is best to wait rather than let's say trying to do a daily recovery. 

I tried too many times, I guess for the multiple times I have tried they put my account on hold and sent me a message to appeal but I can't appeal because it's the same after the two steps verification, what I should do to avoid the deletion?

@rhaenyra is this a Workspace administrator account or Workspace end user? If end user, get the workspace admin involved since I believe admins have a way of accessing accounts and/or helping to reset the account if needed (including updating recovery phone number). 

My email is for personal use, I'm not using the workspace just the email and I have the same issues as the others who comment here.   

This is just my personal opinion but if the account is not Workspace, then this help community is not for you because Google Cloud Community Google Workspace is meant for Workspace accounts (based upon the title I am guessing). Have you tried posting to the Google Account help community, which is specifically for regular consumer accounts, especially the thread that I posted here a couple of days ago that is collecting reports? 

(Now if the Google Cloud Community Google Workspace is meant to support regular consumer accounts questions unrelated to Workspace, then feel free to set me straight.

This happened out of nowhere

"This phone number has already been used too many times for verification."

The only unusual activity that I did was create another youtube channel, which is nothing unusual. Why don't google make it ask if certain unusual activity is caused by me or not. When you get shut out like this, I really don't understand why using 1 phone number to verify is a problem. I have no relative I can "trust" to borrow a number to verify. 

Please provide some solution besides waiting few days to try again, in the case it will never let me login again even after few days wait...

Thank you for your email.

I faced the issue since 02 December 2023 and still my account is disabled.
I don't know what the reason is behind? I have everything to provide,
username, correct password and correct phone number.

Really depressed from this issue. Why i am not receiving two step
verification code???


I have the same issue as in this topic. Though, after 4 weeks it doesn't have any answer, so I'll try my luck of getting one.

I'm trying to log into my Google Workspace admin account but I'm stuck at "We've detected unusual activity on the account that you're trying to access. To continue, please follow the instructions below."

When I try to put my phone number, I get an error "This phone number has already been used too many times for verification.". When I try to put a different phone number, I get an error "This phone number cannot be used for verification."

There is no way to contact support and my phone numbers are completely valid, used in my personal accounts and verified multiple times. It seems like it's a problem on Google side.

Any way to resolve this, it's a big issue for my business?

Hi, I got the same issue it says unusual activity found on your account and I tried every number that I have and all saying same thing including the number which is associated with my account "This phone number cant be used for the verification purpose" when i try to login to an other device using same email id and password it ask for 2-step verification when I click my phone number on it it says "Too many failed attempt try after an hour" tried after 12 hours same error. anyone knows what I do now ? should I wait for my account to work mircally again or there is anything else I can try. 

Hello google team ,

i am in trouble my gmail otp code is not received please solve my issue very thankful to you 

waiting for your reply 


Hope it fixes my account, literally i need it for my business matter!


hope google team help us all!

Hello google team,

I am in trouble my Gmail otp is not received please solve my issue very thankful to you

Waiting for your reply

Hello google team ,


i am in trouble my gmail otp code is not

received please solve my issue very 

thankful to you 


waiting for your reply 

Hello Google Team

I am in trouble with my Gmail OTP code is not received. please solve my issue. very thank full to you.

waiting for your reply

Hello Google Team,

I am in trouble my Gmail otp code is not received please solve my issue.

Very Thankful to you.

waiting for your reply.

hello google team

my gmail otp not send me am not rebot


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