Role access delegation to groups

We are rolling out advanced MDM with approvals required on the device. I would like to delegate the device approvals to our support teams at each office. I see the option to add an admin role to users individually, but do not see where I can apply it to groups. This becomes an administrative burden because if you have incoming/outgoing staff you will have to remember to add individually instead of just putting them into a group.

Is this possible? Because I am not seeing the way to accomplish this.

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Iโ€™m not at all sure, but maybe you could do this with the free, open source, command-line, indispensable GAM tool? Check out:

for more details.

Hope that helps,


Thanks icrew for the reply. GAM is the first place I checked but don't see a command specific to apply delegated permissions to a group. Maybe it's there but I am not finding it.

Iโ€™d strongly suggest asking on the GAM mailing list that I mentionedโ€”folks there, including the authors of GAM and GAMADV, are extraordinarily helpfulโ€ฆ.

Yes, good idea. I will post there as well. 

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