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Bronze 2
Since ‎12-04-2023

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Is there a possible explanation, on why every time I put in a lookup function into the app formula, it would automatically remove it from appearing on the forms? If I remove the formula, then that row would show up in the form. What did I do wrong?
Hi,I'm trying to design an inventory management system, where the inventory is based on a specific product and lot number. The stock amount is in a virtual column called [Total Wt].I'm currently categorizing the data based on "on hand", "committed", ...
I created a bot to create pdf file when I update the "stages" column. It work once or twice and then it stop working. Is this normal? Is there a way to make it more reliable?
When the app is deployed to other users, I don't want them to see the other app that's being develop. Is there a setting to not have it in the Menu navigation side bar?Thank you.
I just found out this wonderful appsheet program and I've been playing around with this. Is it possible to link between tables without using reference key? Can it link using text. For example, if I like to have one table to link to another table usin...