Sudden unavailability of Purchase Order Parser in Document AI

Hey guys! I use Purchase Order Parser in a project and magically it is no longer possible to create new processors or train models using existing ones. Does anyone have any information on whether this is temporary or permanent (in this case, is there a solution from Google to do something similar)?Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 17.15.25.png

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Hi @eduardopds

Welcome and thank you for reaching out to our community.

I understand that you are having challenges with your Document AI Purchase Order Parser and there are indeed no official accounts of the current state of this feature.

In the document cited by @diegolimapereir, it says in the "Release stage" that the feature is still in "Preview" which may explain the lack of any announcement as there are no SLAs or technical support commitments provided at this stage.

At Preview, products or features are ready for testing by customers. Preview offerings are often publicly announced, but are not necessarily feature-complete, and no SLAs or technical support commitments are provided for these. Unless stated otherwise by Google, Preview offerings are intended for use in test environments only. The average Preview stage lasts about six months.

Please continue to keep track of Document AI's release note as there might be updates available in the near future.


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I'm having the same problem. I want to update my processor and the processor is not available anymore. It is not listed in the processors' list of the Document AI, but it seems to be available in the documentation

Hi @eduardopds

Welcome and thank you for reaching out to our community.

I understand that you are having challenges with your Document AI Purchase Order Parser and there are indeed no official accounts of the current state of this feature.

In the document cited by @diegolimapereir, it says in the "Release stage" that the feature is still in "Preview" which may explain the lack of any announcement as there are no SLAs or technical support commitments provided at this stage.

At Preview, products or features are ready for testing by customers. Preview offerings are often publicly announced, but are not necessarily feature-complete, and no SLAs or technical support commitments are provided for these. Unless stated otherwise by Google, Preview offerings are intended for use in test environments only. The average Preview stage lasts about six months.

Please continue to keep track of Document AI's release note as there might be updates available in the near future.