Broad "customer requirements" survey

Hi all,

I’d much appreciate it if you could share your insights via this requirements survey. It will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. This is not meant to guide us on what to do with AppSheet specifically. Rather, AppSheet addresses some part of a larger set of needs in your team or organization. We’re trying to understand what those needs are, so that we can think about potential solutions. Please do not feel any of this is “instead of” making some investment on AppSheet. This is an “in addition to” exercise.

I have always believed that we know very little, but we learn from asking our customers and trying to hear what they tell us. Please tell us what you think about the issues you face and the opportunities you see. We will try to understand the responses, and will likely come back to you, iterate to understand better, etc. Thanks in advance for your time and input — I look forward to reading your responses.

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Hi, this is asking me to sign into my Google Account. I don’t have a Google account, we use Microsoft.

Hi Martina, I removed the requirement to sign in with Google.

Hi @MultiTech_Visions, yes you know sometimes all you need is a really simple form in a web page with zero presentation or logic or anything, and I’m not opposed to using it.

Hi @Praveen! Just filled out the form.

I didn’t know about SaaS. Wikipedia says “Software as a service (SaaS /sæs/[1]) (also known as subscribeware or rentware) is a software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted.” Perhaps the meaning of Saas should be made clear on this required question.

Also, in my case I wanted to answer “Don’t know” or “Not applicable to my situation” to several questions but no such option was available. The lack of appropriate options may corrupt your data. (I was forced to choose numbers that really have no meaning in my case.)

This is a bit off topic but since the goal seems to be to find out more about what people are thinking, I’d like to mention some minor disappointment I am feeling in AppSheet’s removal of color from inline actions:

Some sort of “public comment” period before changes are implemented strikes me as a good idea – of course, with the understanding that those of you at AppSheet are the ultimate arbiters.

@praveen I agree with Kirk. I definitely fit in “citizen” developer category and many of the questions just didn’t apply to me. Seemed like it was designed for our Software Design team or IT. I don’t remember but I think I just abandoned the survey since it didn’t fit my usage.

I love how it’s a G-form and not an app.