Issue in Apigee Edge 14.16.01 installation?

Not applicable

The New Installer(14.16.01) script is unable to detect existing jdk installation.

Trying to Install the Edge apigee-service utility and dependencies:

sudo bash /tmp/ apigeeuser=uName apigeepassword=pWord

Its not detecting Current java installation. when this is command is executed sudo echo $JAVA_HOME * getting response as */xx/java/jdk1.7.0_80

Possible cause : when checking for java using this command sudo which java getting response which: no java in (/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin)

when executed as which java getting the following response /xxxx/java/jdk1.7.0_80/bin/java

0 6 333

Not applicable

Hi Arun,

By default the installer will check for and install Java 7 if required. If you want to control what version of the JDK is used you must: 1) install the JDK as prerequisite and 2) use JAVA_FIX=C during bootstrap.

sudo bash /tmp/ apigeeuser=uName apigeepassword=pWord JAVA_FIX=C

If you have multiple JDKs on the machine, either set /usr/java/default or remove those you don't need. To check what JDK are installed as RPM, use:

rpm -qa | egrep "(java|jdk)"

The following command will remove all JDKs installed as RPMs:

sudo rpm -e $(rpm -qa | egrep "(java|jdk)")

Hi Maudrit,

I have installed jdk for my apigee 14.15.07 version using tar not rpm and put the JAVA_HOME path in apigee user bash_profile.

so when using this command : printenv | grep JAVA


but when using this sudo printenv | grep JAVA unable to see any JAVA_HOME

You can also complete the bootstrap process and continue installation without java. Once done , you can change the java home in /opt/apigee/etc/ file . You can add/edit JAVA_HOME parameter in this file and continue the setup process .

it seems to me that if the installer needs to install something in a way that requires manual intervention after the fact - the installer isnt doing its job and needs to be fixed.

i believe that most of the on prem customers who had installed a version prior to the open JDK support are likely to have done a scripted install rather than one done via YUM or RPM. This means that most of us will have JAVA_HOME and the like set only for the apigee user and not for root. Making a change to that for the root user prior to the installation seems like the best option rather than installing and manually editing files.

Maybe this is something that could be added to the installer?

New Member

The location of the JDK may be the decision of an individual installer or it may be constrained by an IT process or enterprise IT policy. In addition, more than one JDK can be used with apigee 4.16.01. All of these variables mean that we can't make too many assumptions about where a JDK is located and thus you find that the installer keeps to the standard mechanism whereby we look to the JAVA_HOME to reference the correct JDK for the specific installation instance.