it is possible to increase the compile size limit (64k) of JavaScript to 1024k ?

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This is in a Paid org and while trying to use Google's bloated phone number library

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To be more clear, I'm trying to use this JS library in Apigee.

Among the errors I get, hitting some kind of compile size limit of 64k is the one I can't get around.

If it's bloated, .... is it possible to use a different library? I don't have a solution to your problem, but maybe a work-around for the problem.

Sadly, I can't find another JS lib that validates and formats e164 phone numbers. I open to suggestions.

What I was thinking is .. maybe refactor that library to eliminate all the stuff you do not need. Surely it does not need to be so large, just for the validation of e164 numbers.

Let me have a look...

Your other option is to run the validation from within a nodejs target inside Edge. But I prefer the "Refactor" approach. It's cleaner.

Hi Karthik

The limit of 64k is inherent to the Rhino support in Java. Apigee cannot remove that limit.

Maybe the best approach is to host the phoneFormat.js inside a nodejs target, in an Apigee Edge proxy.

For example, see here.

Then you can invoke it like this:

$ curl

{"number":"+39 312 345 6789"}