when ever the Cassandra and router log will be trigger in apigee opdk

hiii, i setup apigee private cloud and now working on logging so i want to knew whenever my router and Cassandra components will be trigger like if i saw log of both of these are constant there are no change even i work with ui and doing all thing but they had no change 

so anyone have idea whenver Cassandra and router will audit a log 


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If I understand your question, you asking why when working on UI and you working with API, you cannot see any changes in cassandra and router audit log? 


/opt/apigee/var/log/apigee-cassandra? > these logs for cassandra - you probably can see if member join cluster or something happened within cluster


/opt/apigee/var/log/edge-router/logs > router kigs you will see in system.log activities related to connecting to zoo\cass from router as infa component etc.


when you are in UI you will need to look for management-server logs - you will see deploy commands going to MP's and other info


and here /opt/apigee/var/log/edge-router/nginx you might see actual traffic arrived to Router


please note all logs have LOG LEVEL and not all printed for default log levels

@Denis_KALITVI Thanks for responding i understood can you also tell me when zookeeper logs will be audit/triggers.

Well - zookeeper logs will move when zookeeper members will try to create cluster - zookeeper logs mainly will show infra part of the zookeeper itself - for example if you will see cluster of zookeepers (3) and leader goes down - you might see some movement in zk logs