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Platform questions & answers from the Creator Community

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I am a new APP Sheet user exploring the platform as a potential enterprise solution for all of my customers. Is there anyone who can provide a reference as an enterprise user that has deloyed APPSheet to manage multiple mobile users that submit online & offline mobile forms daily?

I have already replied your post on G+ community regarding the same query. We have good references for that and provided you can connect us via able3@able3ventures.com we would be pleased to help. Thnx.

After going through appsheet tutorial, will I be able to build an app that will be used to capture water meter reading data from conventional and analogue water meters and transmit the captured readings to MySQL Database in the cloud to share with Customer Relation Management (CRM) Portal?

Hi, I’m new to this platform and was wondering if someone could suggest a template I could use or a guide to how to develop a differential diagnosis app with multiple query boxes to diagnose an illness with at least 3 symptoms listed. So the ability to search the entire database or limit by specific sections only. thanks

Good afternoon. I’m new too, and I did something similar to what he proposes. I would solve it by processing (when it’s so complex) in google sheets directly, using app sheets data input to the tables, obviously, and bringing the results of the algorithm with the synchronize button. It worked that way for me. I still can’t run complex algorithms on appsheet alone.

Hello, I am new AppSheet user exploring the platform for my company’s current automation use cases. I wanted help in understanding if AppSheet can solve the below listed use cases or not, and if yes then how can this be facilitated:

  1. The Sales team uses Pipedrive CRM for maintaining all deals data. Use case: inside Pipedrive based on certain criteria like whenever a deal stays in the same deal stage for X days, then a Deal Owner should receive an auto alert email for this.
  2. The Finance team maintains a Google sheet for all the invoices they charge to our clients. Use case: Based on the type of Invoice, auto emails need to be sent to the clients for payment reminders till the invoices are paid by the Client
  3. The HR recruitment team maintains a Google sheet tracker for all the candidates that pass through the various stages of recruitment. As a candidate moves ahead in the recruitment process, an automated Candidate summary is created by fetching candidate information from various other Google sheets. And the summary keeps getting updated as the candidate move ahead.

Provided you can maintain a gSheet for the CRM data that you can import to your AppSheet App, than you can generate email workflows. However, you need to integrate some scripting or may be a Zapier Zap to control incoming data thru Pipedrive to trigger a workflow

That’s also possible with a Scheduled Report workflow

That’s also possible with a Scheduled Report workflow

May be worth reading these:

Thanks for the Leventk for the super quick response.

  1. I have certain more questions regarding the emails as a part of workflow:
  • are the emails sent from the AppSheet server or my Gmail inbox is used?

  • If it uses the Gmail inbox then does the workflow allow all the features of Gmail like sending emails in an existing thread OR create DRAFTS in the inbox rather than sending them (as I am want to verify the emails before sending them out)?

  1. Appsheet doesn’t allow any other Data source apart from the ones mentioned in this blog?

  2. And is it right if I say that AppSheet is more of a top layer on a database to make the database more interactive and make it user friendly in terms of better UI?

  3. If you are aware about Zapier, then does AppSheet support the kind of automation, integrations, workflows possible within Zapier?

1.a) The email are sent from AppSheet’s server using MandrippApp 3rd party service
1.b) Provided you need to send the emails via your gmail account, you will need Google Apps Scripting deployed as a web-app and using its URL as a Webhook Workflow Rule’s endpoint URL

Unfortunately these are the only data providers for now

I believe you can think AppSheet as a data connector, but in general you are correct

You may want to check below docs

New Member

Hello all,

I am a non-coder, physician and exploring appsheets as a potential solution to data problems in the physician business community.

A basic questions: How do I create a new thread on the forums?
I don’t really see a new thread buttons I do on other forums.

Thank you

Hello there, I am a new user who is trying to develop a new app for my business. What I’m trying to do is an app that my commercials can use to fill out a form. This form will be some questions about a possible future project and depending on the answer, a score will be awarded. If the final score exceeds 50 points out of 100, a confirmation message will be received. If this number is not reached, a message will be received stating that the project will not be carried out.

I have been trying it for several weeks but my efforts are completely useless.
Can anyone help me?
I will be very greatful

Does Whitelabeling include custom browser url options? I don’t mean for the app, just for the browser link

Hi @jin_zhang, white labeling does not include options for customizing the browser link, but depending on your user auth settings, you may be able to iframe the app into a custom domain page.

I’m in desperate need of newbie help.
I’ve spend countless hours watching tutorials and I’m still lost

I’m trying to make a very simple app that tracks merch sales for bands on tour by entering counts at the end of the night. But there’s no sales tracking templates where I can see how this is done and every time I start a new app I miss something and get hours in and get stuck and have to start all over.

I guess I really can’t wrap my head around expressions and actions and what you can and can’t do and what that looks like. The appsheets tutorials get frustrating because they start with an already made app and don’t really show how you build it and the functions or say “we’ll go over this in a later tutorial”…but there’s no logical process to go though the tutorials by…

I’m 100% new to this and would kill for some help from someone better experienced who can explain some thing for me.


Hi @Road_Dog_Supply_Co
What are you stuck on? Can you be a bit more specific.

Oh my gosh, thank you so much for answering!

To start…
Say I have 2 tables/sheets…1 with products and 1 with “sales” of the products.

I’m trying to figure out a way to update my “available” column in my products table when a “sale” is made.

Basically, I’m TRYING (lol) to make an app for tracking T-shirt sales at events based off counting in the shirts at the beginning (or, if somehow possibly, have it populate from last time counted) and then counted out at the end of the event…

I’d thought it sounded easy in my head, but I can’t for the life of me figure out the actions/behaviours

The hardest part is that I don’t even know the terms for what I’m trying to do or where I can look to learn them. Lol I’ve got all the time in the world to learn lately!

Hi @Road_Dog_Supply_Co
Check out the sample apps. There are a few Inventory ones. You may get some ideas from those. Also the Order Capture app may be useful. Check back with any questions you have. We are in lockdown for 4wks at the moment.

Right after I’d posted, I found a YouTube vid with a link to one of the sample apps that’s hidden in the support section (which is kinda annoying lol) but it’s perfect for about 50% of what I want to do.

The problem is, I’m not very familiar with whatever “language” is used to create actions/behaviours etc…I’d like to learn more about those commands used so I can build on the sample… but because I don’t know what it’s called, I don’t know where to look to learn more about the function so I can build on the app…if that makes sense?

Thanks for the suggestions!

Not sure if I’m doing something wrong?

I can’t get my image links from my google drive, set to share, I copy the link for the image(s) stored in there and then try to paste that link in the product image column for the template I’m using…but then it never appears?

Am I doing something wrong?

…is there somewhere else I should be posting these questions? (Not sure how this all works)

Hi @Road_Dog_Supply_Co
What happens when you try and load the image from within the app instead of in the sheet?
Do you have a link to the sample app you started from?
Edit again… Maybe we can switch to your new post .

When I try to load the image from within the app, it goes directly to my camera and doesn’t give me the option to upload a file (link to base app in new topic post)

Hi! I’m new to AppSheet and have been playing around with it. I’m not sure it will satisfy all the bosses requests so maybe someone could help. We are looking for an internal ‘challenge - response’ for shipping. Essentially the employee will upload all the shipment data and then the boss can approve or disapprove and send it back. For ease of use is it possible to make home screen tiles? I have an Google Sheets document that is working ok (i’m not great at coding) but would like something that is handheld and very simple to use.

So im seeing info on Kanban and slices. Im not really sure what to do with them but i think this is closer to what im looking for. Does anyone have time to help me with setting this up. I feel like im doing this all the hard way and dont really understand the features. nor can i figure out the different settings of the bar on the bottom and what is on the main part of the screen.

Hi! We wish to develop an internal app which will be used by all our employees. Our current employee strength is over 100-200 employees. I am looking for the pricing in this case?
PS: Not sure if this is the correct platform for this question, but I need the information at the earliest.
Thanks in advance.

how do I post a question? Vivian

can i create and test on Facebook a chatBot in free account ?

New Member

How can I embed an HTML coded webpage ( a medical calculator ) to be used inside my app

You cannot embed an HTML coded webpage into an AppSheet app, but you can point to its URL and choose to launch the page internally.

would you mind informing me on how to do that

how can I do that ?

add a sheet in your spreadsheet, call it MCALC, with 2 columns: calculator and url; and load these into the first 2 rows

creatinine clearance,https://www.mdcalc.com/creatinine-clearance-cockcroft-gault-equation
save as mcalc.

edit your app, click UX, click the mcalc sheet under Primary Views, and set the view type to TABLE and save. when you open MCALC in the app, you’ll see these rows. those links (box with arrow pointing out) are LIVE.

maybe the calculation you want to perform isn’t overly complicated, it may be possible to encode those formulas inside the app using its powerful math functions.

New Member

I am a new APP sheet user and have tried to explore and finally I have a problem here.
I have created several forms with different data sources but once the forms are installed on each user’s mobile, they can access other users’ forms.
for example data source or form A for user A, form B for user B and so on, but when user A opens the application gallery, he can open the form for user B and others.
is there a way to prevent them from accessing other forms and how.
Thankyou before it…

I just learned the appsheet recently, and I have a problem updating my data, because the column that I want to update doesn’t appear in the user view but the show setting is set to be displayed, what is the solution to my problem? please help

New Member

Is it possible to create a more versitale form then google forms with more validation.

ex. Add a dropdown menu of all countries → when selected (ex. US) → It should prefill in the countrycode at the “enter phone” question.

Is this something that’s possible with appsheet?

Kind regards,


I am a new user and want to know if I can develop an app where the employees can see only their data and make changes to some of the fields. For eg. Mobile Number or residence address.

Hi Everyone,

I’m hoping to get some help with designing an app that myself and a friend are currently working on. We’re trying to add a field where a person ‘selects’ a rating for the information on the page but when we add the dropdown list to an existing page we keep getting this popping up. I’m hoping one of you might be able to help.

I’m trying to develop an app where people can login using social accounts, leave voice recorded questions and a group of experts could answer them in private or make them public so other users could listen to them. It could be like a professor with the students or a psychologist with patients. Is it possible with AppSheet? Also, people can vote, like or rank questions and answers. I hope you guys get what I need, if not please ask me for more explanation.

How do I post a question for a specific topic? There is no clear information on the site…for now I’ll just post it here and someone can redirect me:

I have my app linked to a Google Sheet that contains a list of stocks whose prices are updated in real-time. I have buy levels for each stock and created bots that are supposed to send out alerts (push notifications, emails, text messages) when the prices goes below any of the buy levels. It worked successfully when I tested it and used the Execute button. But it does not currently work properly in real-time --I tested it by changing the Buy Level to ensure one of my conditions was met but I received no notifications. I’ve tried different conditions (ALL UPDATES, etc) but it doesn’t seem to work. Can you help?

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