An extra unintended record gets generated when adding from an App form


Iโ€™ve been experiencing an weird issue when adding an item from the app form view, that generates an additional record only with its ID (โ€œuniqueid()โ€ by โ€œinitial value formula) and the date filed with the initial value formula and other fields are empty.

The creation date time shows a few seconds later or a few milliseconds delay along with the actual (intentionally) added record. 

This issue is observed when a user selects a specific value from the list (Enum, the base type is Text) at the specific field in the form.

Please let me know what other info I need to provide for a better visibility of the issue.

(This issue is not relate to this one. )

Solved Solved
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Hi, sorry for not posting an update.

After having some attempts at Google AppSheet support team, it turned out that I somehow misunderstood the structure of "Automation", meaning "Bot", "Event", "Process", and "Task".

I set it to call "Tasks" directly in the "Steps" section within the "Bots" setting instead of calling a "Process". (and I put an unnecessary "add a new row" within the process.)
Then I should be able to delete "Process" calling those same tasks. 
Maybe I am not describing well within this post, but the issue has been resolved. Thank you for your kind support and attention, everyone.

View solution in original post


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I wonder if this is related to a bug fix noted in Monday's release notes:


@lizlynch, do you know whether this fix is fully rolled-out?

Checking with the team!

The fix mentioned in release notes involved the same row appearing twice in the view, so if that was the issue I would expect the extra row to have the same values as the completed form. In that case the extra row also would disappear after sync. Since the extra row in this case has different values and sounds like it's showing up in the audit log as a separate record, it sounds like a different problem. @hichimi if you don't mind us looking at the app, could you file a support request with details about how to reproduce the problem and ask that it be brought to my attention (stoneadam)? Or if you prefer you can message me the details.

Thank you for your response, @Adam-google, and yes, this is not adding the duplicated records by sending the same request twice, but a different row without any data (except "initial value" fields).

I will send a support case. Thanks!

Hi @Adam-google, I have just submitted a case from the "Contact Us" page.

I hope you'll get it accordingly.

Having trouble finding it, was there something like a ticket number provided that I could search for?

Oh, thank you for your follow-up comment. I thought they'd contacted you on this (since I mentioned your account name in the case).

The case ID (the Subject of the email) is "3-7732000033494".

They suggested me to delete the current table and rebuild it. LOL.

Hi, sorry for not posting an update.

After having some attempts at Google AppSheet support team, it turned out that I somehow misunderstood the structure of "Automation", meaning "Bot", "Event", "Process", and "Task".

I set it to call "Tasks" directly in the "Steps" section within the "Bots" setting instead of calling a "Process". (and I put an unnecessary "add a new row" within the process.)
Then I should be able to delete "Process" calling those same tasks. 
Maybe I am not describing well within this post, but the issue has been resolved. Thank you for your kind support and attention, everyone.
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