Any reported issues with child records not appearing within the parent until an additional sync?

Got a report today about a very old app not showing child records right away, both in the app, and in the initially-generated PDF (generated via update from a form-save action).

The issue seems to have come up out of nowhere, it has always worked before for many years. So before I dive into this and potentially waste my time... has anyone experience anything related, or heard of any reports?

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What do you exactly mean by "right away"?

It's a parent form with nested children. After saving the parent, the user is directed to the detail view of the new record, where the inline view of the children remains blank until a full sync.

What is the difference with the Bot?

Not entirely sure what you're asking there, but there's one bot that runs after the initial creation to generate the PDF, and there's another one that can be manually triggered with a button to regenerate the same PDF.

Is the Bot working in a same way than earlier?


Let me test quickly. 

For me it still works with the same way. The inline view is showing properly right away on the detail view when the parent (plus all childs) is saved.

What subscription do you have?

I have had this for weeks, maybe 1-2 months. But I have no energy to report things to the new team to be honest, I just can't stand the new support team. I just pray for this to be fixed one day.

Btw, this happens with any CRUD operation. After the first sync, the changes are sent to the backend but lost in the client's side.

@AleksiAlkio I mentioned this in our private conversation time ago if you recall

Now that you mentioned about it, yes ๐Ÿ™‚

I have a parent form with nested children that has possibly related issues. Occasionally, one or both of the following things will happen:

  • Data in the nested children will not be sent to the backend (I only know because the nested children are required, so a parent without the required children is a sure sign)
  • A notification will be sent stating that the nested child has a new row, but the data will not appear in the backend source file (Google Sheet)

I reported this many weeks ago but it has not been solved yet. 

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