App formula (time diffrence) update every sync

Hi I use Time diffrence formula to calculatie how long some tasks take.
ISBLANK([End Date]),
HOUR(NOW() - [Start Date])/24,
HOUR([End Date] - [Start Date])/24

Forumla works great and give mi days in Dicemal bettween
Now and Start Date
or if someone fill End Date beetween End Date and Start Date

Problem is it recalculated only if update row
I want to see that update every sync

How to do that ?

Should I put that formula in Excel insted of Appsheet ?

Solved Solved
0 4 323

Thanks Excel solve the problem

View solution in original post


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Then it needs to be a virtual column.

Not good I want to see that data in my Database (Excel Tabel)

I try the same formula in Excel and itโ€™s update every time when sync

I donโ€™t now how it will work in future with more data ? I know that Appsheet formulas are faster then Excel so I try to avoid Excel Formulas.

AppSheet will not update physical columns on sync; there is no way to do what you want through AppSheet.

Thanks Excel solve the problem

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