ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN) in Googlesheets is not...

ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN) in Googlesheets is not matching in Appsheet. How can I replace this formula?

0 6 1,480

Hi Sebastien, I would suggest using CONCATENATE function.

Check out the Support documentation to see how concatenate is formatted.

Hope this helps.


With the TEXTJOIN you can specify the delimiter but with the CONCATENATE you need to write them one by one.

Hi, my formula is

=ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN(", “,TRUE,IF(‘Order details’!$B:$B=$A64,‘Order details’!$A:$A,”")))

I can use it in Appsheet. Is it right? Thanks Mary Jane and Aleksi for your support!

I have the same problem , I AM looking for an équivalent to TEXTJOIN on appsheet . can someone help us !

There is no direct equivalent. The closest workaround would be a combination of CONCATENATE() and SUBSTITUTE():

  " , ",

Which, if I understand_TEXTJOIN()_ correctly, is equivalent to:

TEXTJOIN("separator-text", FALSE, list-of-values)

It’s possible to remove empty values as well, but a side-effect of the process will also remove duplicate values:

    - LIST("")
  " , ",

Which is the closest-but-definitely-not equivalent to:

TEXTJOIN("separator-text", TRUE, list-of-values)

See also:

That’s a bit complex but works PERFECT THANK you very much @Steve

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