Bot Wait Condition

Hi guys,


I'm facing an issue where a bot with a wait duration doesn't fire.

Currently set to the minimum wait time, "000:05:00", if I test the bot, it works correctly. But if I wait for the wait timer, it gets stuck in a pending state.



What have I missed?

0 23 916

I have experienced this issue myself and recently heard from a client just last week experiencing the same issue.   I believe it to be a bug in the Wait process.  Please report it to AppSheet support (see below).  Has anyone else been successfully using the Wait for 5 min duration?



Hi John,

Does it work for you when you increase the wait duration to 5 mins and few seconds? or is it the same? Thanks.

I have increased the wait time to 5:30, and then 10:00 and have the same issue. Do we know what the safe minimum is?

I had opened a ticket about this a few weeks ago (March 2024).

Supposedly, it has been fixed. Please post your results so we can collectively know if this is, indeed, the case.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4


Has anyone else opened a ticket for this?  I talked to my client who opened a ticket 4 days ago.

Anyone having success with Wait using duration?

No luck 

tried many times but still not working 

Please contact AppSheet Support for help with this.

Hi abood89,

Did you try executing the bot recently? We have fixed the issue around last Thursday.I just want to confirm that you are facing the issue after we fixed it. If you haven't tried recently, could you please give it a try and let us know the results.



I tried it today and i contacted appsheet support regarding this issue 

Hi again

this is the error im getting in the monitor 


New process 7
Created TimeStamp
5/16/2022 7:01:10 PM
Current Step
New process 7-returnStep
Error Message
Error encountered in step with name [Delete excel file]: Error: Access denied:AppAuthorizationFramework.AppAccessDeniedException: Access denied for authentication provider: google
Execution Time (In seconds)

Its now 15 Feb 2024 and I'm having exactly the same problem!

worked.. I gave delay of  7mins. Havenโ€™t tried any other time-period though. 

Were you able to find out the issue on this? I have the same issue and could use the fix. Any luck?

I did not test since it took the support sometimes to get back to me so i make some changes to my app to work without wait bot. However support contacted me back and they said the issue is fixed but still did not test it 

Mine is working. A gave a delay of 7min. Havenโ€™t tried any other period though. 

tried 5 and 5.30 did not work i will try 7 and see if that work thanks for info

Update :

I tired so send a notification while using wait bot and it worked. However when i tried to execute  an action using wait bot it did not.

As of yesterday it appears the Wait bot queue has been cleared. Shawn mentioned there is definitely some work to be done with the feature.


This is not working still/again.

I opened a ticket yesterday. I was told this is a known issue. 

still the same issue, anyone having found a workaround?

What exactly is your issue?  

POV:  I strongly suggest to avoid Wait's.  They are notoriously inefficient and can be problematic even when functioning properly.  I would recommend opening another post describing your problem and ask how you can avoid using a wait.  There are options depending the implementation.

Initially, my problem is that I use starter plans and I needed to have a time scheduled bot that check every morning reports made by my App users, and change the field [Status] of the row to "CLOSED" if depending on a condition (if the reporting is fully completed).

Anyway, as you suggested I opened another post to find ways to avoid using WAIT.

BOT - Can't use scheduled event, Wait process is t... - Google Cloud Community

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