Button Colors

Hello all,

Is it possible to have the buttons on the form change color when selected? 


3 buttons, red, orange & green when selected

0 19 713

You can change Icons, colors, size and style in UX - FORMAT RULES - Format these columns and actions - Find your action. 
But to change when the button is selected you i will have to make some actions to update a status column and set this condition in the ux format

Yes this works on the result in the view, but I am wanting to have the button itself change color based on the result 

You can see below the buttons and if the trained button is selected I want that to show Green and when the Certified button is selected it would show Blue.



This would be cool! I don't know how or if this is possible. I was actually thinking the very same thing today when I was working on my app. The one thing I would say is that you can do the "highlight which does do this.


which puts the green dot there. 

Format Rules don't work within forms.

They should though. It would be more than fun to change button colours, font's etc. depending on whether or not they are selected. 

So is this a bug?



Are you on SQL?


Thanks. I thought you were telling Marc that emojis do work with SQL contrary to what he's saying.

Got it.

I'm using format rules on an enum and it shows the format on a form

Not an exact user experience as one would want but if acceptable, one could display these color statuses near the display name using emojis. Example below




The display name expression for the [Order Status] column is 

SWITCH([Order Status],"Open", "Order Status ๐ŸŸ ",Complete, "Order Status ๐ŸŸข", "Canceled", "Order Status ๐Ÿ”ด", "Order Status ")


The emojis do have certain issues as they have been discussed at length in the past.  But above emojis are basic  and you could check their release year at https://emojipedia.org/  . So should render on all devices but not possibly on very early OS or mobile devices.

Previous discussions on emojis:

Emoji Discussions in the community



Sorry to ask you. Where i need to put this formula to have colored dots?

SWITCH([Order Status],"Open", "Order Status ๐ŸŸ ",Complete, "Order Status ๐ŸŸข", "Canceled", "Order Status 



", "Order Status ")

@Suvrutt_Gurjar wrote:

The display name expression for the [Order Status] column

So good thanks.

A small and quick one. Is it possible to use same way for the columns which types are "file"?

example; if it is not blank green, if it is blank reg.
Which formula we need to use?

Thank you Joseph for your appreciation.

Community colleagues have discussed emojis at length in the past. Great thing is one can use them simply like letters in any text string. Currently their range  seems to be a bit limited but evolving regularly.  So let us be optimistic, we will find more of those in future for our business apps use.


I've also used emojis like that as formatting solutions, they are a great addition to an app-builder's toolkit!

One issue to note about it though: if using a SQL database, Appsheet will strip out all emojis in the actual data values before sending it to the server, in order to prevent any issues. There is no issue manually storing emojis directly in the SQL database (if you've set up the correct character set on your table), and then subsequently reading them via Appsheet, you just can't write emoji values with Appsheet.

Not just emoji, but all sorts of interesting UTF-32 glyphs.

Thank you very much Marc and Steve for additional insights.

Yes, emojis continue to have certain issues.

On lighter side, when we start thinking about giving a full thumbs up to them, they make us go for thumbs neutral again.

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