Buttons to add +2P and +3P in basketball App

Hi. I'm new to Appsheet, with no programming / coding background.

I've built  an app to track my three kids basketball stadistics. Instead of having counters to add the items I'm tracking (ie. adding with the + and - when my kid -or my kid's team or opponent team-) I'd like to have a button to click on everytime my kid gets a rebound, misses or gets a 2pointer, makes an assist, etc. The result of each click should go to a field when i get the result (my team and opponent's score, total rebounds, 2 points % of achievement, etc.).

Is it doable in appsheet (free version)? Many thanks.  

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The easiest approach is to create a Stats table with a column for each stat you want to track.  Then in the Detail View for that table row add the columns as Quickedits which will allow you to increase/decrease the value with a tap on "+" or "-" buttons.  See below.

I hope this helps!

Example of Detail view with Quickedits

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 3.16.45 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 3.18.26 PM.png

Many thanks for your reply. 

Yes, this is pretty much what I have (see screenshot), divided in three pages (one for teams points, another one for my kids' shoots, and another one for others (ie. rebounds). It's just a matter of UX, I'd like to have something like another app I've seen (which is short to my needs for other reasons). It's about a button for the player, and another button for the item to record. Much fancier, no more (and no less) than that. What according to your reponse it may not be feasible...

Again, thanks for your support.  





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