CARD VIEW: Images, Actions, Format Rules, New Lines

Even when there is no image, we have a white space in the Card View. Could we have it like in the second image?

I saw that we canโ€™t use system generated Actions, because the โ€œDisplay nameโ€ would not be respected. We have to copy the system generated Action and rename it. Card View only respects the Name of the Action, not the โ€œDisplay nameโ€.

We cannot format anything in Card View via Format Rules. No Text, no Actions.

New Lines are not respected in Card View Description.
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Would look like
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3

1 16 2,747

Since youโ€™re making use of the card view, would you mind if I ask about your thoughts on the editorโ€™s interface for the card view?

Do you like it better or would you prefer the interface to be more like what most other interfaces are like in AppSheet?

I personally find it very time consuming (which leads to frustration) because I have to select each element to see itโ€™s settings - where the traditional interface for AppSheet is to show everything in one page, so you can see it all at a glance.

Iโ€™m just curious what your thoughts were on it?

I like it and I think AppSheet should use more of these intuitive things. For a NoCode User it takes time to learn how to use the Editor. The Card View Editor is easier to understand for a simple user like me

@praveen Please consider.

This seems like a bugโ€ฆ

@morgan FYI

New Member

Hey everyone,

I just updated the card view so that cards will use the display name of an action. That update should be public tomorrow by the end of the day. Iโ€™m also looking into some of the other feedback mentioned on this thread.


Thank you very much @morgan.

Hi morgan, I just tried to make use of Cards and actions are not working

Hi @morgan, is there an estimated timeline on the new features regarding the card view and actions? Thanks!

New Member

Hey gang,

Thanks for checking in. There are several updates to Card Views that should be available shortly, ideally sometime this week.

  • Bug fixes and stability improvements
    • Action buttons fixed
    • Address/LatLongs types render properly both as text elements and maps
    • Fixed an error in the editor when selecting actions.
  • Official โ€œGroup Byโ€ functionality
  • Detail views can display a card, cleaning up the header information in detail views.

There will be some more updates to come next week as well, addressing the feedback Iโ€™ve received here and elsewhere.


Awesome stuff @morgan!

Any news on Headers on Cards being center justified for inline views vs the normal left justified? Or perhaps an upcoming option to switch between the two?

if we donโ€™t want to use a picture, can we have the option to add extra text fields or more actions in that field where the picture would be?

Looks like it is still the case. Any workaround to add Format rules on text in Card view?

I use a VC to produce something like below text in card view:

I am trying to add the video cam icon like below in Deck view and Card view. Works fine in Deck view

Doesnโ€™t work in Card view:

The UX format rule:

Same field used in Deck and Card view.

I believe Icons via Format Rules on Cards are completely broken still. Only workaround I can think of would be getting that same icon and saving your own version and putting it in your spreadsheet.

Otherwise, all the other text formatting options as well as colors work for me on my cards.

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