Can I move the Google Sheets that my app uses?

I have a lot of Google sheets in my drive, and I would like to reorganize them into folders to clean it up. I'm scared that if I move the Sheet in Drive, it will mess up my apps because AppSheet won't be able to find it.

Does anyone know if this is the case, or is the URL of the Google Sheet static, no matter how I reorganize my Drive?


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You can move spreadsheet location inside your "My Drive" as you want. AppSheet recogize the Google Spreadsheet you are using for the app through "File_ID", so the location wont be any issue. However, if you have image or file type column you should have folders to store those file. Then make sure to re-locate those folders to the same location as the new spreadsheet location, otherwise your app will break up (images wont be displayed, file not to open).



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