Can NOT open a XLSX file on MOBILE

Hi everyone !!

I have an app that generates a report on XLSX format, it works great on desktop version (browser):

Open a File - Desktop.gif

But, the problem is when I try to open the same file in the mobile version:

Error open a File - Mobile.gif


The Android device is a Samsung with Honeycomb 11.0

AppSheet version installed 15.2

Can you help me?




0 5 351

Silver 1
Silver 1

Yeah I think it only works in web version

I have the same problem. Can it be fix?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Your phone must have an app capable of opening Excel files.

This is actually a bug I have encouter.

The only fix I could think of is force the app to open links on external browser instead of the internal webview of the app.

PS: Honeycomb was Android 3.0 which was like 11 years ago. You may be refering to Android 11, not the API 11 of the android SDK.


How can I force the app to open links on external browser?


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