Combining contains() with a ref

Hi there,

Iโ€™m struggling with an expression

I have a virtual column that generates a list from another table that is somehow associated with the original entry. Itโ€™s not a parent-child relationships but more like finding the other parent for a child entry and this virtual column generates a list of all other parents that this first parent is associated with through a shared child. I have this list

I then have a Y/n variable on the second parent table and I would like to create a y/n variable on the first parent table to say whether the first parent is associated through their children to any the โ€œYโ€ type of second parents. Think of it as a table of men with children with multiple different women and we would like to know as a y/n if this is a man who has a child with a women who lives in London

Contains() seems to only work if it is on the same table, and wont let me use the virtual column of list of women as a ref to the right column on the mother table



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The expressions I gave were for use in your app, but #VALUE! is typically indicative of a spreadsheet problem. Can you provide a screenshot?

Whatever the case, your clarification is very helpful.

Instead of what I proposed above, try this as the app formula for a virtual column in the Fathers table:

    [Related Childs][_ROWNUMBER],
    [Mother].[Lives in London?]

View solution in original post


Why not use
select(table[virtual_column], [_thisrow].[key]=[key])
and then use contains on that list?

thanks - I tried that and it doesnt work on its own since you need a filter on the other parent table to only select the rows associated with this rowโ€ฆ

CONTAINS() answers the question, โ€œdoes this text contain that text snippet?โ€ For instance, CONTAINS("My name is Fred.", "Fred") is TRUE because the text, Fred, contains the text, My name is Fred.

IN() answers the question, โ€œdoes this item occur in that list of items?โ€

CONTAINS() is for looking for a fragment of text in a larger text value. IN() is for looking for a single value in a list of values.

Sounds like youโ€™ve got men and women split into separate tables, right? On the children table, is there a ref to one or both of the parent tables?

Yes its separate tables for the men and women so to speak. The child table has ref to both parents

Steve - how can you combine an IN() with a ref? I dont want to look in the key values for the mothers, but in the y/n variable of whether they live in London

Itโ€™s tough to give you a concrete answer because my understanding of your data organization is so murky, but Iโ€™ll give it a tryโ€ฆ


  • The table that describes the mothers is named Mothers.
  • The Mothers table has a column named Lives in London? of type Yes/No.
  • The Mothers table has a column named Children of type List (or EnumList) containing identifiers of the corresponding womanโ€™s children.
  • The fathers table also has a column named Children of type List (or EnumList) containing identifiers of the corresponding fatherโ€™s children.

To answer the question, โ€œWith which women who live in London does this father share at least one child?โ€:

    [Lives in London?],
      COUNT([Children] - LIST())
      <> COUNT([Children] - [_THISROW].[Children])

If you already have a column (named Mothers) in the fathers table that contains the list of women with whom the father has a shared child, and want to know which of those mothers live in London:

  [Lives in London?]

replacing RowKey with the name of the key column of the Mothers table.

hmmm it gives an error #VALUE! when I set that up.

Maybe I can explain the data structure better:

  • Child table, has ref to mother and father
  • Father table, has column of list type which are the mothers of his children, called โ€œassociated mothersโ€
  • Mother table, has column of y/n type called [Lives in London?]

On the Fathers table, Iโ€™d like to create a y/n answering โ€œDoes any of this manโ€™s associated mothers live in London?โ€

does that help?

The expressions I gave were for use in your app, but #VALUE! is typically indicative of a spreadsheet problem. Can you provide a screenshot?

Whatever the case, your clarification is very helpful.

Instead of what I proposed above, try this as the app formula for a virtual column in the Fathers table:

    [Related Childs][_ROWNUMBER],
    [Mother].[Lives in London?]

Awesome! this worked. I also had an error with one of the references that wasnt linking properly to the mothers table.

thanks for the help

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