Compounding Formulas

Hi. So I have a table that has cost of living adjustment percentages next to the year they apply. (ie - column year, with every year listed under it such as 2021, and column COLA which has a percentage like 3%) Every year I want to manually enter the % of COLA, so at the end of 2022 enter the relevant % of cost of living increase next to 2022. This is easy enough. I then want to take a base wage, say 20 dollars, and have the overall increases calculate. Ie - the COLA Increase of 3% would auto calculate for an updated wage in a new column elsewhere, then would compound with 2022's new % increase, and so on. Ideally want this dynamic. Any thoughts? Can't just add up the %'s of course, cause that isn't the same as increasing year to year in a compounding fashion. Thanks very much in advance - Matthew

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Making it dynamic shouldn't be an issue.  For example, when you enter the COLA  or Base Wage, you can attach Actions to these input activities (i.e. Form Save Behavior) to execute the necessary calcs.  

May I'm jumping ahead but there seems to be some design decisions you need to make.  I assume you will want to be able to enter a list of items for which to calculate the COLA adjustments.  The question is do you care to be able to see/track the metrics of how adjustments impacted these items over time.  If so, you will need to come up with a data design to capture these values.  This may influence how you actually perform the calculations.

I know this vague high-level stuff.  If you have a particular problem you are trying to work through, please let us know!

Thanks so much for all the input folks! To answer the first question, I do
not need to see the step by step record of how we got to an updated number
through the years. If I really wanted to ever figure that out I could just
check the table for the percentages I entered each year and then work
backwards. Not a concern. With that in mind could you go into the actions
and form save behaviors you mentioned and perhaps illustrate with an


*Matthew K. Ruth*
*Masonry Solutions International, Inc. *
10815 Beaver Dam Road, STE D
Cockeysville, MD 21030
Tel: (877) 815-7906
Fax: (410) 771-1942


I've built a small app to do just that. Here it is. You just need to add the yearly increase, then for a given year, you can enter a base wage, and the app will calculate the equivalent wage for all subsequent years. 

AppSheet  | Annual cost of living 


I would like much to share the link to the editor but it is not working for me and I don't know how to give access to others to copy the app definition. @WillowMobileSys would appreciate your guidance please. 

I've never done that myself.   Maybe @Steve , @Kirk_Masden , @Marc_Dillon or other can help.  I think its easy I just never spent time figuring it out.


@WillowMobileSys @Marc_Dillon @Steve 

Thank you Masters!

Thanks for mentioning me, @WillowMobileSys ! @Steve has already given the answer but I can add that I took the information in his excellent post and organized it with some other information here:

How to share your app as a template / sample app via your portfolio and/or a URL

The editing interface has changed a bit since then so I'd like to update this eventually to reflect those changes.  The main change is that it is now necessary to click on the "share" button at the top of the editor and then go to one of the links to get the appGuidString necessary to construct the template URL. In @Joseph_Seddik 's case that URL would be as follows:

Here's the app. Now you have access to the editor and can copy it to your account. 

Interesting.  I'd like to experiment with this way of sharing apps -- it's new to me.  I'm used to doing it with the following sort of link (which goes to your app):


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