Constraint on 'Show', 'Page header', tabbed view, doesn't fully hide the tabbed page

I have a tabbed form of 5 pages/tabs, A, B, C, D, E
I want to conditionally hide the A tab. The Show if expression on the column of type โ€˜Showโ€™, โ€˜Page headerโ€™ only partially achieves this.

When loaded the hidden page A is presented, both the tab and the content. Go to page B and back to A. Now the tab A is shown but is inactive so the contents are not shown. Good, but I only want to see the tab if the condition is met and definitely donโ€™t want to see the data on load.

Is this a bug or am I missing something?
My expression is โ€œOR([Application Status] = โ€œRegisteredโ€, [Application Status] = โ€œApplicationโ€)โ€

Thank you

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Platinum 4

Sounds like a bug to me.

Thanks. What do I have to do to escalate this? Would like a solution soon.

OK, I see you have raised it as a bug. Thank you

What happens if you move the formula from A to B? Iโ€™m thinking if this is related to first section only.

Hi Aleksi. It is a first page problem.

Move the expression to the second page - on load, first page is normal (correct), second tab is seen but greyed out (correct).

Put expression on both first and second - on load, the first is shown (wrong) second is inactive (correct)

Put expression of first only - original case described - on load, the first is shown (wrong), second is active (correct)

As the intent of the expression is to not show the tab should it not be completely hidden? I would prefer not to see it at all rather than have it visible but grey/inactive.


In my experience, you cannot hide the first page/tab of a form.

Iโ€™ve tried to hide a page other than page one. It just greys it out and it still shows.

This is also my experience. I would also like to hide some Tabs.

Was there ever a resolution to this? I am also trying to Hide a tab using a ShowIf expression; however, when the ShowIf conditions are not met, the tab still shows in a greyed out / suppressed font i.e., the tab is suppressed, not hidden. My goal is to hide the tab completely.

New Member

I would also be interested to know if there is a way to completely hide a tab, rather than it just being greyed out.

I'd also like to see this feature added.

I have been able to get this to work in one situation, ONLY if I want to hide the LAST tab. For example, if I have a list of user emails (User[Email]) to show the tab, for each field and the tab header, I enter "IN(USEREMAIL(), User[Email])" into the Show_if. If this is not the last tab, the tab will be grayed out. If this IS the last tab, the tab is hidden.


I'd love to be able to do this same thing with ANY tab, since I often use this to hide an "Admin" tab, which I'd prefer to be the first tab.

I am going to hit this problem again soon.  I first reported it in July 2019.  Any chance of a fix soon? Please.

Me too.

Hoping in on wanting this feature ๐Ÿ™‚

I started searching with the hope of finding a solution, and I only found another bug that has not been resolved for several years. the tab in gray without being able to hide destroys what I had in mind for my app

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