Deep Link to a Dashboard Tab in Mobile

Hi Everyone

Iโ€™ve looked around the history of topics for this but to no avail. Anyone bumped into this before? Any suggestions?

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What exactly is it you are looking for?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I donโ€™t believe this is supported, even if you could figure out how to do it. You can deep link to the dashboard, but not to a particular dashboard tab. Why would you want to? What is your use case?

Well in my use case I have a COMMUNITY VIEW and it has 4 tabs.

  1. ABOUT: This is a chart.
  2. EVERYONE: listing of all members of community.
  3. JAMMERS: listing of musicians only from the everyone directory.
  4. INVITES: listing of newly invited members, but not yet approved.

In the case of INVITES, this tab shows up only when there are new invites to review/approved/deny.

USE CASE: When I have cleared all the INVITES, I want the app to take the user back to the ABOUT tab.

CURRENT STATE: Right now after the INVITES tab disappears (no records to review), it goes to the COMMUNITY view (where it is presently), but cannot switch to the ABOUT tab where I'd like to return the user. 

ACTION: I wrote an action called ShowChart and I call this from the INVITES tab view. It is suppose to take the user back to the Community View and display the ABOUT tab (chart) but because I cannot Deep-Link to the tab, it is in effect already at the Community View and shows a blank screen because the INVITES tab disappears (as desired).

Before adding a JOIN record.

Adding a JOIN record.

Notice how the INVITES tab appears
because there are records to process.

The INVITES tab view.


After processing any pending INVITES

It processes the ShowChart action but it does not go to the desired ABOUT tab.
#view=viewName("tabName") would be awesome. 

Now that I have talked through this -- I wonder if just calling the APP itself would give me the desired result since the default load point is COMMUNITY and the default view of that view is ABOUT. 







Nope -- using a LinkToApp formula nor in the Action resulted in loading the current app again forcing the app restart and thus the startup preferences including views and tabs. Or at least I could not make it work.

Admittedly a harsh workaround method, but it did not work anyway.

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