Defined value to trigger opening a new entry in another table

Hello, your kind help needed again,

I have 2 tables: JOBS and EXTENDED CONTROL.

When a new entry for JOBS is added and its 1 column “Type” has a value e.g. “Extended” I would like to trigger on that value and after saving new entry - then open a new entry in the table EXTENDED CONTROL with prefilled some columns with values from JOBS, then to fulfill other columns, and save this new entry.

Seems to be easy and I’m trying to do it with an action “go to another view”/ LINKTOFORM but cannot reach the results.
It’s the first time I need to apply this kind of approach (deep links, linktoform etc.) and I see this very powerful, however probably I haven’t understood its logic.

I’ll appreciate your help.

Thank you!

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This should be pretty straight-forward. What have you tried?

I created an action (go to another vew in this app) working on table JOBS and targetted with link LINKTOFORM(“RAPORT_TESTY_Form”, "ID DZIALANIA”, [ID DZIALANIA], "NR SERYJNY”, [NR SERYJNY]).
In the action behaviour I define the condition for the value e.g. “EXTENDED”.

In that point I’ve stucked.

What you’ll want to do is attach your LINKTOFORM() action to the JOBS form view as the Form Saved event action:

This will cause the action to fire automatically whenever the user saves the form.

You should not be using a workflow here. Workflows cannot be used to navigate.

Hello, Steve,

I apologize for not answering - simply had no time to follow your information. I’ll try it tomorrow or during the weekend.

Thank you for your support and patience. I’ll let you know my results.

Radosław Sobkowicz

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