Delayed syncing/Related List Updating


Having an issue/bug with an app. 

The process is as follows. I have created an order and I can add product to it by clicking on the 'Add' action in the related list. 

I can add product details and Qty. 

This then leaves me with a list of the items currently in my order. 

However, users are noticing that the list is not updating as it should. So once I add the item via the form and return to the order the item is not there. In some cases I have to hit the sync action multiple times to see the new item. 

For example I have a list of 6 related items but only 5 are available to see 


I have to sync multiple times to see the actual list content or hit View to see the list (I have my inline count set quite high to make sure that all items should be viewed in the previous screen). 



I have tried to enable a force sync each time the user adds a new product but it often doesn't work and its an annoyance to most users. 

Its becoming a more regular issue of products appearing and disappearing, users don't have visbility as to whether items are included. 

Can anyone advise as to why this is happening? 

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I have noticed its happening with some other tables as well, adding records they appear and then disappear - taking multiple syncs to update. 

When the record doesn't show,
#1 - Does it show if you click the "View" right after the form is saved
#2 - Does it appear in the data source right away?
#3 - Have you specified the number of rows to show in the parent's detail view?
#4 - Are you using the original REF_ROWS() in the parent table or have you modified it?

1. On occasion it will show when you click the view but its inconsistent 

2. Yes it appears in the datasource

3. Yes its up to 50 rows there is usually no more than 10-15 line items 

4. Its the original ref rows of the order it wasn't modified 

How much do you have data in that child table? By any chance.. do you have lot of blank rows in your spreadsheet?

Currently there are 123 Parent rows and 271 child records. I've just looked through and there are no blank rows either. 

And no duplicate key values?

No duplicate keys in either parent or child records 

It looks like it happens in other tables as well, eg. I have a user table that I was updating last week and it disappeared and reappeared. 

Take a copy of the app template and file a bug so devs could check what's going on. It definitely sounds an issue.

I have seen this behaviour  happening too, on apps that never had an issue... 

I can have 32 related rows and it shows the total but no rows.... When i click view, they reaapear.. 

I have most definitly noticed this happening recently and think there is something causing a delay in loading, at times it just suddenly appears as if the block itself is not refreshing to display the rows... 

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