Display Name for UX


I’m trying to make a custom Display of some UX with this formula:

CONCATENATE(“Comments Form (”, [order_slip_no], “)”)

It says unable to find the column because I’m not seeing order_slip_no and I’m pulling the columns from another table. Am I doing it wrong?

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Believe it or not, the display name does not know which row is being displayed within the view, so there’s no (easy) way to include anything from the row’s content in the display name. If you can elaborate a little on what you’re trying to accomplish, we can probably offer alternatives.

I just want to include the order_slip_no in the display name.

The best you can do is add a column into your form to display the order slip number. The column type of Show is well suited for this. Show columns are discussed here:

Thanks for that Steve but is it possible to include it at the title at the top of the app?



Alright Steve. Thank you

Hi @Steve you wrote "there’s no (easy) way to include anything from the row’s content in the display name".
So there seems to be a way to get this working? Do you have any hint?

The only way I can think of is to have a slice that isolates a row for the current user (e.g., a CURRENT_USER slice), that includes a column to contain some identifier for the current row being viewed. You'd then have to change how users get to detail view so they go through an action that populates that column in the slice before navigating to the view. Then the view can use that column of the slice to generate a name. But there are a LOT of problems with this approach--I recommend against doing it.

I There i have a similar problem.

We have a google sheet, with tab name A SEP.
Each month i have to change to name to the next month.

And i want that the ux view name changes there also to A SEP.
I want to use the display name: formula in de UX view.

But i have the same problem as above, adding an extra column with monthname(SEP) is not reallly a solution. Becaus the formula will look like A Sep[Sep], it works.
But when i change the monthname the formula isn’t working any more because the tabname is changed.

Can you give me another solution?

already thanks.


Trying using this formula

“Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, “Apr”, “May”, “Jun”,
“Jul”, “Aug”, “Sep”, “Oct”, “Nov”, “Dec”

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