Displaying Colour Data Type; This has change...

Displaying Colour Data Type;

This has changed and now it is almost impossible in our app to tell which one has been selected. Please can you bring back the check mark or put a X in it Can you see which one is checked easily?

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New Member

+JW R Hi, are these columns Color type columns? If so, I don’t think there was ever any checkbox or X in color columns. Are you referring to yes/no question columns instead? Or are you using format rules to format these columns?

Hi there used to be a big tick on the old bigger coloured dots.

Hey +JW R Thanks for notifying us. We’ve been working to improve the color inputs based on feedback from customers. I’ve added a fix that will render these next to each other, with a much more obvious highlight, and they will be bigger. It will be deployed tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.

@Morgan_Dixon_AppShee Many thanks and look forward to seeing the result.


Looks better and is more visible when Selected.

Still liked the tick as it made it very clear to he users.

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