Does anybody have experience using twillo to ...

Does anybody have experience using twillo to send and receive sms into their app?

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We have customers using Twilio to send SMS messages. They do this either using their own Twilio account or the AppSheet Twilio account. The later only works if your SMS recipients reside in the US or Canada.

We do not have built in support for incoming Twilio SMS messages.

We do support an AppSheet API that can be invoked from web apps. You can use Zapier to invoke our AppSheet API. Zapier seems to support Twilio, so it might be possible for you to use Zapier to accept incoming Twilio SMS messages and invoke our AppSheet API.

The root of the AppSheetAPI documentation is here: - API: The Essentials

Zapier is described here:

API: The Essentials

@geoff_gardener if youโ€™re interested in receiving Twilio messages, please shoot me an email ( I expect to be working on this in the next couple of months.

@Philip_Garrett_Appsh thanks, I will take a look at this and see what I can come up with. Will also follow up with Praveen.

@praveen thank you. I will ping over a email now.

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