Does anyone know how to add a field to the fo...

Does anyone know how to add a field to the form app that allows you to see what you entered the previous date?

Example if I had a reading on 2/14/2019 of 12345, How would I make that appears on my entry for 2/18/2019? I want the users to be able to see what the previous reading was.


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Assuming thereโ€™s one reading for each day, put in initial value this formula : Any(select (Table [Column], [_RowNumber]=Max([_RowNumber])))

There is only a reading every 7 days.

Any(select(Table Name[Column],[_rownumber]=maxrow(Table Name, Column Name) ))

This should work also: Any(select (Table [Column], [_RowNumber]=Max(Table [_RowNumber])))

Mr Jayaram, would it better to use Date field instead of RowNumber? Sometimes records are not in correct order in your spreadsheetโ€ฆ for example if the record is created yesterday, but itโ€™s saved today. With the RowNumber you are then reading the wrong record.

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