Edit app interface becomes really slow My ap...

Edit app interface becomes really slow

My app is connected to multiple (around 10) tables and has around 50 app users in the whitelist. The edit app interface has become really slow, to a point where I cannot really use it anymore. What is causing it to be slow, is it the number of tables/users/formulas?

Any idea what I can do to make it run smooth again?

0 30 1,448

Is the sitation still the same?

In addition to getting your browser, browser version, and OS, I’d add these troubleshooting steps: 1. Could you try turning off all your browser extensions and seeing if the editor speeds up? 2. Could you open up the browser console (F12 in Windows) and check to see if there are any errors listed?

The thing that really slows down the editor is when there are several hundreds of columns. The Column Structure tab does need to get rewritten (it is the only part of the editor that wasn’t completely rewritten last year).

@Pim_Sauter and @Grant_Stead, could you give us the app names please — we can open them and see what’s going on. As Aleksi said, data volume and whitelist size don’t matter. It is all in the column structure.

Using Chrome Version 63.0.3239.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)

@praveen the slow app is

‘Quote calculator’

Basically it should have nothing to do with the table or user amount. I have editor open with 30 tables and 30 users and it works without any problem. What browser are you using? Have you tried to use another browser? Have you tried to clean the cache? Is everything else running as normally in your laptop/desktop?

@Aleksi_Alkio I am using Chrome and all other tabs are going just fine; let me try Firefox and see what happens

I tested with Chrome and it seems to work as normally.

Okay, I will do some more testing; I was just wondering if the number of users/tables/size of tables should have impact on how fast the edit interface is

Do you have huge amount of data in those tables?

@Pim_Sauter I have the same issue expanding a table or creating a view takes 5-10 seconds… It seems every single click just takes forever…

One of the tables is a survey and has ~150 columns. Not a lot of records in there yet

Hi @Pim_Sauter, Just in case you have not referred this recent informative post on app performance by

@praveen. Please take a look

plus.google.com - Improving App Performance This year, we’re increasing our focus on tools to … Improving App Performance This year, we’re increasing our focus on tools to … plus.google.com

Thanks @Suvrutt_Gurjar, I am reading it now.

@praveen this is mainly about end user experience, if I understand correctly.

Is there any similar documentation on app editor experience? This is becoming really slow for me; the interface becomes laggy and clicking buttons becomes very slow to near impossible.

Yep, and it definitely has to do with the size of the app; small apps are fast to edit, apps with big tables are unmanageable.

My tables are small, but I have like 20 tables all referenced… One of them is a user table so it’s referenced to almost every table… That’s when my app editor gets slow…

Just tested on another machine which is really fast (2016 macbook with 16gb ram) and had the same problem there.

In my experience, the app editor gets slower if the app gets more complex, which can be:

  • More fields in a table - More tables - More table refs

I have not been able to find out what is ‘the worst’

We will investigate the possible reason for this behavior. Grant… what browser are you using? What version?

Thanks @Aleksi_Alkio! Let me know if I can be of any help here, or if you need more info.

Guys… what source are you using and what browser version, thanks

What’s your user ID number?

grantstead@steadglobal.com (GOOGLE) Account ID: 297211 appName=EcolCork-297211

I’m on Chrome, and it’s up to date… Really most all of my apps are very slow in the editor, I have started to believe this is just normal…

Grant - it takes maybe half a second at most to open views in your app for me, so it might be something going on with your browser or computer. Can you try the troubleshooting steps I mentioned above?

@Sarah_Gould_AppSheet Whoa! I disabled all of my extensions, and it’s all awesomey now! Now I need to figure out the culprit!

I did F12 and I found this though… Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (/offsite/notFound.jsp) https://a20098.actonservice.com/cdnr/cid2/acton/bn/tracker/20098

Great! The error looks like it might be from one of your extensions, I don’t think that url if from any service we use.

Account ID: 486024

Turning off extensions definitely helps, thanks @Sarah_Gould_AppSheet

@Pim_Sauter crazy right! Like what!?

You can try turning the extensions on one-by-one to see which extension is causing the slow-down.

Some extensions run scripts on the pages you’re looking at, which could interfere with our own scripts - but this is certainly not always the case. I have several privacy- and security-related extensions, but they don’t seem to slow down AppSheet.

@praveen would it improve if I have 5 tables with 20 fields versus 1 table with 100 fields?

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