Embeded content


I am having trouble embeding my app, can anyone please help


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Hi @Frederick_Gimpel! Are you trying to embed items such as videos or images into your app or embed the app itself?

Thanks I am trying to embed appsheet into another app

@Frederick_Gimpel hereโ€™s an example of iframe html you can use to embed your application in a website, if thatโ€™s what youโ€™re looking for. You can find that app ID string in the editor, UX > Links

iframe src=โ€œhttps://www.appsheet.com/samplesembed/embed?appGuidString=43137da7-52f9-408c-b422-e8048aeb41b0โ€ width=โ€œ100%โ€ height=โ€œ568โ€ frameborder=โ€œ0โ€/

Thanks Peter,

I havenโ€™t been able to embed the app, I havenโ€™t deployed yet since I wanted to test it first, do you think that could be whats causing the problem?

This is the preview address


So in my logic I replace the app ID in the string you sent me.

But I dodnt know what I am doing wrong.

Thanks for the help

Frederick Gimpel

have you found how to embed it?

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