Enum list clear selection if Non of the above is selected

Hi all,

Is it posible to clear all selected values in an EnumList when a value None of the above is selected. The EnumList is of Stack input mode.

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You can do it with an Action on the form save event.

so depending on the functional reasons you want to do that you can also use a valid if with
IF(IN(โ€œNone of the aboveโ€,[Column]), COUNT([Column])=1,true)
this would insure that the user only selected none of the above in the drop down if they selected none of the above. Lucindaโ€™s method will make sure that none of the other values are selected in the final result regardless of what they actually select if they do select โ€œnone of the aboveโ€
Another possibility is making a show column that says โ€œleave blank if none of the above applyโ€

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