Expressions available in Email Body

Update: I found this - Workflow expression

I know I can use โ€˜Ifโ€™ expressions in the body of an email workflow.

Can I use ISBLANK? or other expressions?

I am doing it in the Email Body not in a template.

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

The email body is a template, if I recall correctly.

Thanks Lucinda, I had the same question, I needed to use expressions in my email body. Do you know if there is more information about it?

Simple answer is yes. Recently I found myself needing a rather complex template with nested table rows and various formulas including if and isblank/isnotblank, and selects based on filters using data from the row that was fed into the template. I have a screenshot below. It is actually pretty amazing from a complexity standpoint what you can do with templates.




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