File Name Prefix does it work?


using workflow i want to generate pdf file with the name of the customer and the date of the worflow action, like:

PAOLO - 17052020.pdf

Iโ€™ve tried to define the file name using โ€œFile Name Prefixโ€ but is seems to play as the โ€œFile Folder Pathโ€.

Example (in File Name Prefix"):

<<[Name] TODAY()>>

It creates in DRIVE different folders (Nameโ€“>Dayโ€“>month) and then save the file as 2020.pdf
Iโ€™ve tried also to use CONCATENATE ([Name],TODAY()) but the result is always the same?

What am I doing wrong?

1 5 1,561

You canโ€™t use TODAY() because it contains โ€œ/โ€ which tells to your app to create a subfolder. Instead of using TODAY(), use for example <<[Name]&" - "&TEXT(TODAY(),โ€œddmmyyyyโ€)>>

Great!!! Thank you very much!!!

Youโ€™re welcome


Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Shout out to Stephan from QREW

Even though I think this process has been changed to "BOTS" according to comments.

THIS is by far the Best Video Training I have ever seen on appsheet for beginners, it is a MUST WATCH and should be required before you ever create a REF.

It covers Ref and google drive naming conventions with two major errors you may encounter, in a very practical and easy to follow way.

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