Filter field by another field


Iโ€™m building an app for my BIL for his auto repair shop. What Iโ€™m trying to do is filter a vehicle list based on the customer that selected.

Customers table has unique ID, Name and other relevant data

Vehicles table has unique ID, Owner (link to customer table), year, make, model and others

โ€œJobโ€ table has a Ref to both of those tables ([Customer] & [Vehicle]).

I tried creating a slice that would run

ANY(Vehicles[Owner]) = [Customer])

I canโ€™t get it to work thoughโ€ฆIโ€™m guessing there is a way to do it. I have something similar in another app that filters but it uses a dashboard and two separate tables to accomplish thatโ€ฆI need to do it within the same form, if possible.

Solved Solved
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In Job[Vehicle] columnโ€™s valid_if field, enter the expression:

FILTER( Vehicles , [Owner] = [_THISROW].[Customer] )

View solution in original post


In Job[Vehicle] columnโ€™s valid_if field, enter the expression:

FILTER( Vehicles , [Owner] = [_THISROW].[Customer] )

Thanks a bunch! Worked!

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