Find student unpaid fee

I want formula to find/filter the names of students who have not paid their fees by month based on the data of students who have finished paying their fees. Pless help me.

I have table name "Data Student" and "Student Fees"


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State the rows involved for both tables

Data Student’s table: IDStudent, Class etc.

Student Fee’s table: IDStudent, class, month and year

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Muhamad_Shuhaib 

@Muhamad_Shuhaib wrote:

I want formula to find/filter the names of students who have not paid their fees by month based on the data of students who have finished paying their fees.

@Muhamad_Shuhaib wrote:

Data Student’s table: IDStudent, Class etc.

Student Fee’s table: IDStudent, class, month and year


I would suggest to add a column IDStudentFee to your table Student Fee. I would suggest also to remove the column "class" as it is already existing in the table Data Student.

I assume you have a column [due] (type Decimal or Price or Number) and [paid] (type Yes/No) in your table Student Fee. Assuming you have it:

Then, add a virtual column [_result] with type List of Ref, Source table Data Student, with expression:

SELECT(Student Fees[IDStudent],
  YEAR (NOW())=[year],



For reference:

SELECT() - AppSheet Help

Use virtual columns - AppSheet Help


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