Get data of ref table in VC


I don't understand how to retrieve data from my reference table

here are my tables : Family and Members

I would like to display a VC in my family table that displays the member's first and last name when the representative column is yes.

But I can't recover the data

0 4 99

MMmm I dont understand very well what you mean. Could you show us by a screenshot what you need to be done?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4



I would like to use First name and last name of the responsible family as a label  

You could just use the member's name as label, and this is it. But if you need to create a virtual column to extract specific data, then you should learn the formulas RIGHT, LEFT, INDEX. Another thing you could just do is go to the view and set the column orders and use the order that most pleases you.

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