Get last row

I need to compare the last value row with the new added row, for the same item.
Eg: Last row that been added was a row with 10 bananas, now I add a row with 5 bananas, and I need to check the difference between those rows 10 bananas - 5 bananas = 5 bananas.
How can I do it?

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

I think you will get the last row quantity in two steps. Request you to explore below.

First column called say [Latest Product ID] could calculate the previous latest row for the same product with MAXROW() expression something like

MAXROW(“Table Name”,"_ROWNUMBER", [Product ID]=[_THISROW].[Product ID])

The expression may need change based on any other conditions you may have in the app such as maybe latest date instead of row number etc. and any other qualifying condition as say [Order ID[ to restrict the latest [Product ID] to that [Order ID]

Then the difference you could get in another column with an expression something like
[Latest Product ID].[Quantity] - [Quantity]

Where should I put this expression  ??

Auto Compute - App formula ?

Auto Compute - Initial value  ?

Auto Compute - Suggested values ?

Hi!  I'm not sure I understand your question.  You would put this expression wherever you need to find the key of a column that meets the conditions.  Please refer to the following:

I’m sorry.
I made the sale management app by Appsheet.

 I made the table into company, items and sale management. 
There are many items with same name and different size.

Also, one company is ordering many items. 

when I enter data I keep finding and entering the same company with the same item.

so, I want to find a way to reduce this process.

 I think that when I find the company for the second time, I hope I can see the name of company I found most recently at the top.

So, I find the MAXROW function to this article.

please help me 

I see.  Now I think I understand what you are trying to do.  Unfortunately, I haven't done that myself yet. Perhaps someone else can help.  

Just to confirm, you are interested in making the entry of data through a form more efficient, right?  If so, you might want to search for posts about data entry on forms for ideas.  Once you know where you might need the maxrow expression, your task should be easier.  Good luck!

Please start a new topic for help with this.


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