Grouped Deck view list always opens first entry in group

I have a Primary View of view type Deck, it contains a list of entries grouped by date. When I select an entry in the group to edit it, the app always goes to the detail view of the first entry in the group, regardless of which entry I select.

The view in question:


It doesn't seem to matter which of those entries I click the edit button on, it always only opens the Declined close-grip Dumbbell press item.

How do I get it to open the other entries?



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Okay, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but the issue was that I had switched the Key for the table from _RowNumber to Date, I think it got confused then when trying to edit/view since multiple entries then had the same key.

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @wsharpjnr 


It looks like a bug. You may want to address this issue to Support Team:

Okay, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but the issue was that I had switched the Key for the table from _RowNumber to Date, I think it got confused then when trying to edit/view since multiple entries then had the same key.

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