Guidance and Advice required with Zapier catc...

Guidance and Advice required with Zapier catching a Webhook from Wordpress and then mapping it to a Zapier Template for Appsheet integration

Anybody with exposure with doing this kind of Zapier Integration

I have setup a Zap for when a User Registers in Wordpress that it then uses Zapier to pickup that Action and then Trigger an Add into Appsheet by using the native โ€œAdd Userโ€ Wordpress action in Zapier.

Challenge with this is that we capture more detail during User Registration on Wordpress and the standard Zapier โ€œAdd Userโ€ Actions wont map to my Appsheet Table Columns in the Zapier Template.

So my thinking is that I need to use Webhooks in Zapier from Wordpress using the HookPress Plugin in Wordpress

I need guidance how to use Wordpress integrated with Zapier to use a Webhook which then in turn POST to Appsheet.

What is the suggested Actions & Triggers in Zapier and Wordpress - kind of looking for an Idiots step-by-step guide

What would the sequence be in Zapier? 1. Trigger โ€œAny Webook - Wordpressโ€ utilising the HookPress Plugin on Wordpress 2. Action โ€œZapier Webhook Postโ€ to catch the JSON from Wordpress 3. But then how do I get that JSON into Appsheet??

Or is Step 2 not necessary and one can just link in the Webhook to the Appsheet Add Record Template?

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I am not sure I follow.

I think you are saying: 1. A user registers in Wordpress 2. Wordpress invokes a Zapier trigger. 3. When that trigger is invoked, you want to add a record to an AppSheet table. The field values in that newly added record should take their data values from the data obtained from the trigger.

If this is not correct, please clarify.

If this is correct, then I suggest using the Zapier Appsheet feature described here - Connect a Zapier โ€œZAPโ€ to Your App

It allows you to create a Zapier โ€œActionโ€ that adds, updates, or deletes a record in AppSheet.

I am unclear how the Wordpress trigger returns field values to Zapier. This may be the problem you are encountering. I am not familiar with the Wordpress Zapier trigger implementation. Typically, Zapier triggers receive a JSON payload. The Zapier trigger then parses that payload and returns it to you as a record with one field per JSON property.

You can then use these trigger field values in subsequent Zapier Actions. For example, you could use the triggerโ€™s field values to populate the fields in Appsheetโ€™s โ€œCreateโ€ record Zapier โ€œActionโ€.

To use the Appsheet feature in Zapier you need to enroll in the Zapier Beta program. The link to do that is included in the article I cited.

Connect a Zapier โ€œZAPโ€ to Your App

@Philip_Garrett_Appsh your understanding is correct under points 1-3 I am way beyond studying the link to the article you sent

Have enrolled to the Beta program last year already

The Zapier implementation if Wordpress is very basic. To go beyond โ€œbasicโ€ you need to work with the Webhook implementation of Zapier to link Wordpress which gives you a JSON formatted payload.

Thought maybe you/someone have done a Wordpress integration through Zapier Thanks anyway for responding



you control the HTTP Post URL that Wordpress uses when posting the webhook to Zapier?

If so, then can you use the built-in Zapier Webhook to capture the webhook call from Wordpress.

The built-in Zapier Webhook will automatically parse the JSON payload. You can then use that parsed JSON payload data in subsequent Actions.

That is exactly how the AppSheet Webhook works with the built-in Zapier Webhook. The AppSheet Webhook creates a JSON payload which it sends to the URL generated by the built-in Zapier Webhook. The Zapier Webhook parses the Appsheet generated JSON payload and makes those data values available to subsequent Zapier Actions.

@Philip_Garrett_Appsh ah ok now I get it. Yes I can define the HTTP Post URL that Zapier supplies in Wordpress. Let me then see how I can take it one step further into Appsheet


You can essentially follow the steps in this AppSheet webhook article - Integrate with Zapier

Of course you need to replace steps 7, 8, and 9 which describe how to configure the Appsheet webhook with their equivalents for configuring the Wordpress webhook.

Integrate with Zapier

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