Having trouble with Google Templates Report

When I run a report without a template, I get a report emailed to me. (Not yet using a paid version)
However, when I create a report template (using the Create button at the end of the input box), I can see and view the template. But, clicking run does zilch, zero, nada.
So, referencing a template doesnโ€™t produce an email.
Erase the reference to a template and the email sends.

Ultimately, I want to divide the report up into a table. But I am not even able to get that far yet. What data would you need to see to help?

Thanks in advance.

0 50 1,126

Email body template or attachment template???

email body template

The first thing I would do is check to see if an error is being reported from your Workflow. You can see this by tapping the โ€œLogโ€ button found at the tope of any of your Workflows. See pic below.

Look for the the name of your Workflow in the โ€œOnโ€ column. Red text/icon means an error. Click on the red binoculars to see the error report. (I donโ€™t have a good example to show right at the moment or Iโ€™d include a pic of this too)

Let us know if you see any error and what the message might be.

The log showed an error. It says a Column Name doesnโ€™t exist. However, it appears on my Google Sheet and in the table containing all data. So, I am confused.
I deleted that particular instance and the report runs, minus that column.

Also, I am seeing ALL data from the beginning. I only want to show work done today.

Double check that there wasnโ€™t some spelling or syntax error. Remember that you must surround the column names in the template with double angle brackets and the normal square bracket inside of that. I have seen sometimes the square brackets are left out.

I originally clicked the โ€œCreateโ€ button for the template. I cut and pasted within the document. I just added some tables. I thought that would be right for syntax etc.

Guess not.

As coincidence would have it, I was working on some printing/merge/google doc examples, and have published an app here:

If you copy it you should get a few working examples up and running to reference. Hope this helps!

It apparently was syntax. I had a double-space between the words โ€œQuantityโ€ and โ€œSortedโ€. Good catch, my peers.

I am still trying to get the email to print only for a particular day. I donโ€™t want everything from the beginning to print. Since it is a scrap report, I only want that which was generated the previous day. Today=Now() as start expression doesnโ€™t seem to do anything. Maybe Today=Now()-1?

Hi @Work_Goscinski
Do you have a Date column? Maybe try something like [Date]>=TODAY()-1

NOW() is Date and Time
TODAY() is Date

Do I write this expression in the โ€œIf condition is trueโ€ expression area? Because I do have a column โ€œDateโ€ and the expression is not working.


without >. not sure if that was typo or you intentionally wrote it


Here is proof that Date exists because it populates in the template.

And here it is in the table

I didnโ€™t say it doesnโ€™t exist.

Whatโ€™s the error?

Which column it canโ€™t find?

Iโ€™m on my phone and canโ€™t see properly.

I know you didnโ€™t say it didnโ€™t exist. That is the error message.

Error message: Unable to find column โ€˜Dateโ€™

Close the expression window and take a printscreen of the report page.

I am not exactly sure what you are asking.

Youโ€™re confusing the attempts to help you by switching back and forth between template expressions and workflow conditions without being clear, and your screenshots are of very poor quality, making them very difficult to see.

The reason youโ€™re being told the Date column doesnโ€™t exist is related to the other warning message displayed that youโ€™ve chosen to ignore: This formula is not evaluated in the context of a row, so column values are unavailable.


I appreciate feedback. However, I havenโ€™t โ€œChosen to ignoreโ€ anything. I am not in complete understanding of how expressions work, thus why I am seeking help. I will work on better screenshots. They โ€œSeemโ€ ok on my end as I paste them.

I am switching back and forth, as you say, to show that โ€œDateโ€ exists in my data, it translates into my template, as well. So I am confused by the errorโ€ฆand as you pointed out, โ€œThis formula is not evaluated in the context of a row, so column values are unavailable.โ€ When I write something goofy like: Today()=Today()-1, I get a response to that via the report. I am shaking my head at that. I am frustrated. I am trying not to be defensive. But, I will admitโ€ฆitโ€™s hard not to be.

When the workflow expression is evaluated, itโ€™s being evaluated without being attached to a specific row in your table. Itโ€™s looking at the worksheet as a whole rather than at just one row of that worksheet. So when you reference a column value like [Date], AppSheet doesnโ€™t know which rowโ€™s Date column value you want. Thatโ€™s what โ€œThis formula is not evaluated in the context of a row, so column values are unavailableโ€ means.

The goal in the If this is trueโ€ฆ condition is to decide whether the report should be run at all. For instance, to avoid sending an empty report if there are no new rows. But again, the condition is looking at the entire table, not a specific row. If you want to consider a specific row, you have write that into your expression.

So what are you trying to do with the reportโ€™s If this is trueโ€ฆ condition?

Thank you, Steve. I apologize for my defensiveness earlier.

I am basically trying to get an emailed report from Yesterday and only yesterday. So what I THINK I want from a row is this: โ€œLook at the date. Is it today minus 1? Good. Send that email.โ€

As it runs now, I get EVERY entry from the beginning of my app. I basically only want a daily digest.

I would interpret that as: you want a report to include entries only from yesterday. Is that correct?

That is correct.

Okay. In the reportโ€™s If this is trueโ€ฆ condition, I suggest you set it to TRUE, which will always run the report at the scheduled time. We can go back later and find a way to avoid sending empty reports.

The next step will be to configure the report template to only include yesterdayโ€™s entries.

To be clear, I should leave the โ€œIf this is trueโ€ section blank. Let the report generate as it is supposed to.

And configure the document template itself to calculate โ€œyesterday.โ€

Am I reading you correctly?


OK. Could you point me in the right direction where to research putting expressions/formulas/whatever the right term is into a template as to whether it should run or not?

The goal in the template is not to decide whether the report should run or not, but rather which rows should be included in the report. The rows included in the report are determined by the <<Start>> tag. It appears yous is:

<<Start: Select(AllDataSets([Timestamp], TRUE)>>

Your SELECT() expression selects all rows in the table for inclusion. Consider replacing TRUE with an expression that is only TRUE when the row should be included. For instance:

<<Start: Select(AllDataSets([Timestamp], ([Date] = (TODAY() - 1)))>>

That is getting me closer. A good stepping off point for now.

Is it possible to have 2 start expressions? If the expression you wrote [quote=โ€œSteve, post:30, topic:16345โ€]
<<Start: Select(AllDataSets([Timestamp], ([Date] = (TODAY() - 1)))>>
[/quote] is true, AND some other start expression โ€œSuch a rowโ€=โ€œAutomotiveโ€, then print it?

Hi @Work_Goscinski You can include AND in your expression something like

<Start: Select(AllDataSets([Timestamp], AND([Date] = TODAY() - 1,[Location]=โ€œAutomotiveโ€)))>>

@Steve will set me straight if Ive got this wrong.

This expression is workingโ€ฆsort of. <<Start: Select(AllDataSets[Timestamp], [Date]=TODAY()-1)>>
Below is a screenshot of the workflow run.

However, I have noticed a few things:

  1. For some reason, the same table is generated three times.
  2. The only records displayed are for MY email name. Any other data is ignored by the template.
  3. There are blank rows present. There is data in those rows that pertain other things. For instance, the screenshot is the AUTOMOTIVE scrap. The line above that looks blank, in the data set has data referring to something other than automotive.

Is this a better screenshot?

Here is a link to the email template https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q89irtIb-q-aAptJZWzGZBJzUsZ6wJ6bFAic25cOZd0/edit?usp=sharing

Much better! Thank you!

The <<Start>> and <<End>> tags should (I believe) occur entirely within the Doc table row, not outside the table. In generating the report, AppSheet will repeat everything between <<Start>> and <<End>> for each app data row the SELECT() expression returns.

Does that mean, if there are 3 entries of data, AppSheet will repeat it 3x?

Yes, once for each entry.

Is there a way to prevent this? Thatโ€™s a lot of repetition. LOL

Prevent what? You donโ€™t want each row displayed?

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