Help with Google Calendar Attendee and Title Reference

Iโ€™ve been struggling the past few days to figure out how to simplify my Google calendar setup. My Events are pretty simple. Names of people in only 3 different time slots throughout the week. I was able to figure out how to Reference names and email addresses through enum lists and referencing their names but what iโ€™m trying to do is simplify it even further.

Iโ€™d like to Title of the Google Calendar event the names from the attendee list. I want it to automatically pull the names of the individuals from the attendee reference. I currently use an enum list to add names from the member list to automatically add the email address of the attendeeโ€™s but when I try to reference this in the Title column it only seems to pull the email address and not the referenced name.

Any help would be appreciated while I keep searchingโ€ฆ

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If you could post more details about how you are implementing the above, the community could possibly help.

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Platinum 4

Thanks and that seems to be my problem after hours of searching. I canโ€™t seem to get the Dereference to work correctly for me.

I have a Google calendar integrated with my app. I use a sheet with 3 columns: Email, First Name, Last name as a member list that helps me add and remove members from the google group. I have that sheet pointed to another sheet that uses the sort formula in sheets the names in order and removes blanks when a member is removed from the group etc. In that sheet I have a virtual column that creates a LastnameF (first name initial). I am able to use that sheet to create a dropdown enumlist that references email addresses to add as an attendee and this works great.

I would like the Title of the event to reference the attendee column and pull the LastnameF data. In the app I see the LastnameF in both the attendee and event, however in the actual calendar event it shows the email address. So I know iโ€™m close and its got to be a simple fixโ€ฆ

and just like thatโ€ฆ i figured it out. I was putting period (.) between the โ€œ[Attendee].[CombinedN]โ€ vs โ€œ[Attendee][CombinedN]โ€ formula on the Title formula. I was completely misreading the instructions you provided and now have it working.

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